8 ; sneaking around

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"How was your day?" Mum asked me as we sat at the dinner tale, eating pasta.

All that could come to mind was Mr Clifford's fingers and his lips.

"It was fine, how was yours?"
"Not so great, work is asking a lot from me."
"How so?"
"I was going to tell you after dinner but um, they've promoted me, and for a higher pay I have to work in Singapore for a few months; but I don't think I'll take it."
"Mum that's amazing! You have to take it!" I smiled proudly.
"But what about you sweetheart? Who's going to look after you?"
"Mum, I'm 16, I have my license-"
"No you have your L Plates, which legally means you need an adult-"
"Please. Mum. Stop, breathe and take the job."
"I need to think about it."
"Alright...I'm proud of you."
"Thank you May."

My phone vibrated in my lap, and I looked down. On the way home I had changed the 'unknown number' to daddy.

Daddy: princess what are you doing?

I look back up to see mum stuffing her face with pasta, so I quickly type back:

Me: I'm eating dinner, what are you doing?
Daddy: just thinking
Me: about?
Daddy: your lips

I blush and leave the text as is, looking back up to see mum staring at me suspiciously.

"Who are you texting?"
"Evie." I smile.
"Tell her I said hi would you?"
"Of course."

I type back to Mr Clifford.

Me: you made me blush daddy
Daddy: you're too cute baby girl, I need to see you!
Me: school is tomorrow :)
Daddy: no but I mean right now baby
Me: I'm eating though...
Daddy: I'll text you later on tonight kitten, and we can meet in my car down the road okay?
Me: but daddy how do you know where I live?
Daddy: student directory sweetheart
Me: oh, right. Okay, see you later Xx
Daddy: bye princess


I crawled into bed, pulling the covers over myself and burrowing in. It was freezing.

Oh shit! I was supposed to wait up for Mr Clifford.

I scramble for my phone on the bedside table, pulling every blanket off.

Daddy: I'm parked just down the road kitten, get a jumper and come see me xx

He sent that 10 minutes ago, so I quickly get up and grab my black hoodie.

I pull on my converses and manoeuvre myself out the window, being careful on where I stepped.

After I get to the ground, my eyes adjust to the darkness and I search around for a car that's not in a driveway or one I haven't seen before.

I spot a grey Honda parked three houses away, and I speed walk to it. Once I reach the car, I look in through the tinted windows and see Mr Clifford looking down at his phone.

I open the car door and take a seat in the passenger side, "hi I'm sorry, I didn't see the message until I got into bed."
"It's okay babe."

I look over at Mr Clifford and smile softly, he locks his phone and then leans over to meet my lips with his; shocking me slightly.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other, and I let him gain entrance with his tongue.

Both our mouths danced together, it was getting heated and I knew if we didn't stop now it would go further than it should.

daddy's little girl vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now