10 ; accidental meeting

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Finally the weekend, where I could relax and not wear pants.
I heated up some 2 minute noodles and dragged myself up the stairs and into my room.

Once I'd changed from my uniform I sit in bed and begin eating, then the door bell rang.

"May can you get the door please!"

I groan and get up, walking back down the stairs and to the wooden door.

I swing it open, revealing Mr Clifford - or daddy - wearing a button up shirt and his usual jeans.

I look down to see him holding flowers, but I wasn't quick to jump to the conclusion of him getting them for me.

"May who is it?" Mum says while coming up behind me.

Michael turns pale and holds the flowers behind him.

"Hi Mrs Bliss, I uh-um just came to see May."
"And you are?" Mum slightly gives some sass, considering he's a man and I'm a girl.
"I'm May's English teacher, Mr Clifford." He holds out his hand, and mum shakes it

"Oh you are? What happened to Mrs Haze?" She says to me.
"She retired." Michael but's in.
"Oh alright, would you like to come in?"
"No it's okay, I just came to let her know there's extra tutoring after school if she's interested."

It's like I could read Mr Clifford's mind, and I knew he was lying.

"But Mays pretty good with her classes right?"
"Yes of course, but you can never learn too much." He flashed his best smile.

"That's true."
"Well I better be off, I'll see you tomorrow May."

Michael gives me a stern but sexual look and I smile, almost letting the words 'good bye daddy' slip through my teeth.

"Bye Mr Clifford."

Mum walks away but Michael mouthes 'upstairs' and points up.
I nod and smirk.

After I close the door, I race back up to my room and open the window, seeing daddy struggle to climb up.

Once he reaches the tiles, he begins walking and smiling like a goof at me.

"Daddy you're so silly." I say while wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
"These are for you my princess."

He hands me the flowers and I gush, "For me? You didn't have to do that daddy."
"Wanted to make my baby girl happy."
"Well, you succeeded."

His hands tightly wrap around my waist and he joins our lips together.
"I better go May, I got teacher party night."

I raise my eyebrows, and nod.
"Teacher party night?"
"Yeah, it's like when all the teachers throw a party. It's pretty lame but I have to go."
"Okay daddy, well, have fun." I say sarcastically.

"Bye baby, daddy loves you."


Frickin hell I have like 3 tests today pray for me

daddy's little girl vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now