36 ; court

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Michaels eyes found mine almost immediately, and he mouthed, "I love you." Like he would in class sometimes.

I don't know how I'd be able to face school.
Most importantly I want to know who sold us out, either Evie and Calum.

Of course it was Calum.

"All rise for the Verdict." I stood up.

My mum, my beautiful freaking mother, didn't care. She knew exactly what position I was in, and she could see how when I spoke of Michael that I was so in love with him.

Of course, like any mum, she was also slightly mad and disappointed in me.

But I didn't care.

"Now my client has clearly stated that she is madly in love with the criminal."
"He's not a criminal." I involuntarily blurt out.
"Hush, May." mum scolds me.

My lawyer eyes me, and gives me a look of sass.

"Mr Clifford, did you and Miss Bliss ever participate in sexual intercourse with each other?"
"Objection!" Michaels lawyer shouts.

I don't even need a lawyer. I'm not suing him, I'm not calling him a rapist, I should be able to have a free right to love whoever the fuck I want.

"Yes." Michael said into the microphone, never losing eye contact with me.

A tear brimmed at my eye, and I could sense Mum tensing at his words.

"How long had the two of you been seeing each other?"

"About 4 months, sir."

"That's all." The lawyer stated, Michael got up from the stand and gave me the tiniest smile.

"I now call upon Miss Bliss to the stand."

I walk up to the seat, and walk behind the old polished wood.

"Miss Bliss, did Mr Clifford force you into any of the sexual acts you both performed."
"Absolutely not." I clearly define.
"Are you sure?"
"And you love this man, correct?"
"How old are you May?"
"I'm 17, sir."
"Interesting, I'm guessing you're Mr Clifford's student at school?"
"Yes, he was my English teacher."


"I sentence Michael Clifford to the minimum sentence of 2 years." The judge spoke.

My heart shattered in my chest, and I asked my lawyer, "could I please just speak to him one more time before he leaves?"

The guy sighed and nodded, leading mum and I into a separate room.

"He'll be in here any minute-"

The door swung open to reveal Michael wearing a jumpsuit and two security guards next to him.

"Michael." I race into his chest.
"No touching, miss." One of the macho guards spoke.

"May, I need you to listen to me okay?"
I nod and stand inches away from his angelic face.

"When I get out, I'll find you, and we'll be together. I promise. I love you so much baby girl."

"I love you too, daddy."


And that's a wrap! Thank you so much for reading this book, I loved writing it!!
Lots of love xx

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