32 ; caught, again

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"What the fuck?!" I wake up, hearing a voice yell.

I look over at the source of the sound, seeing Evie stand in the doorway. She wears her uniform and hung her backpack lowly on her broad shoulders.

SHIT, Michaels with me.

"May what the hell is going?"
"Michael, wake up." I nudged him.
"Huh?" He softly mumbled.
"You two better start fucking explaining before I go report this to the principal and the police." Evie spat, making my heart break.

Michael instantly sits up and goes pale, as he realises that Evie has now caught us.

"Evie please don't tell-"
"Talk to me May. When did this start?"
"A month or two ago."
"And you didn't want to tell me? Your best friend."
"I was scared, Evie."
"Scared of what? Him?"
"No! I was scared you'd tell your mum or someone who didn't need to know."
"Wow. May I thought you knew me better, I'd always keep your secrets. No matter how weird it is."

"Can I say something?" Michael asks.
"Go for it." Evie approves.
"Evie, if you tell anyone about this, I could go to prison, and lose my job."
"I understand that. I'm not mad at your relationship, I'm mad because May you didn't tell me. I thought we were close."
"We are Evie, but you didn't need to know about this."

She huffs, and sighs.

"I just came to wish you happy birthday, and to say sorry about it."
"So you won't say anything?"
"Of course not."

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