26 ; dealing with it

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School has started yet again.
I feel liberated without him as me, I like the feeling of not being controlled, at least outside of the bedroom.

I made my way to English and avoided eye contact with Mr Clifford, who was sat at his desk marking papers.

"Morning class. Happy Monday, welcome back." He sighed when he met my eyes.
"How was everyone's holidays?" He stood up and leaned against the table.

A chorus of good and bad's flowed through the students lips, Calum and Evie both had said good.

I didn't speak a word.

"May? How was yours?" His voice laced with hurt.
"I had the best damn holidays I've ever had." I seethed.

Michael looks taken a back by my harsh words, but luckily no one takes notice of it, except for Calum.

"Did you guys break it off?" He whispers to me.
"That's not on your business." I hiss at him.
"Did you?"
"Yes. Now leave me alone."

I could almost feel Calum smile.

As the clocks hand goes round, I saw from the corner of my eye that Evie's hand snakes down to Calum's crotch.

I scoff and roll my eyes, "what was that?" Michael says to me.
"What?" I reply.
"You're scoff and the eye roll, I won't have that attitude in my classroom."
"It's not like I want to be here." Every one Oohed at us.
"Get out."
"Get out of my class!"
"Whatever." I mumble under my breath.

I am sick of being treated like this.

I get up with my things just as the bell rings.
"Actually, May, you can stay behind." He tells me.
"Yes sir." I sarcastically say.

Once everyone's out, his body is pressed against mine of the door.
Michaels lips attach to my neck, but I push him off.

"No, Im not doing this with you anymore. You really hurt me Michael."
"I'm sorry May, I want - I need you."
"You were the one who told me that we shouldn't do this."
"And I've regretted it this entire holidays."
"That's not my problem, Michael."

"May, you are my girl, you always will be even if we are apart. I want you and I sure as hell know you still want me. I've forgotten about Lucy, I'm willing to completely give my everything to you and only you. So I need you to wrap your arms around me, and put your gorgeous lips on mine. Right now."

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