28 ; i love you, like, for real

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I stared breathlessly up at Michael, his emerald green eyes burned into mine.

"I love you, like, for real." He states. "I know I say it every now and again but I really mean it, May. I love you."

A smile forms on my face, but of course I'm still mad at everything that's happened.

"What do we do now?"
"Well, you've broken a lot of my rules princess. So I think a punishment should be needed."

I smirked and said the familiar words, "yes daddy."


Daddy instructed me that I had to come to his place tonight, where makeup sex and punishments were most likely arranged.

If I had to be completely honest, I can't wait. I've missed his touch over the two weeks I spent without him, ignoring his calls and drinking the rest of the vodka up in the cabinet.

Mum always said to me that she didn't care if I had sex at the age of 16 or over, but I always had to be on the pill, or she trusted me with a condom.

I've been on the pill probably since last year, on my birthday.

Speaking of the horrendous day, it's coming up in what, a week I think.
I haven't celebrated my birthday since my dad died, mostly because he died because of me.

He didn't have to go and get me a birthday present. But I was two years old right? He wanted to get something for me.
Mum told me this to make me feel better, to say that the last thing he thought about was me.

It only made me feel guilty.


I arrived at Michaels house in jeans, his Clifford shirt and a denim jacket. (P.s also some very nice lingerie underneath it all)

I knocked on the door, and he answered wearing a SnapBack, a shirt and his black skinny jeans.

Like I said when I first saw him, he looked like a sex god.

"Kitten." He gave me a nod of approval.
"My shirt?"

I nodded.

"Looks better on you, come in." He held his palm out to me.

I stared at it for a millisecond, thinking about how I've given in and that I can't be mad for much longer.

"Come on Princess, I missed you." He sweetly urges.

I smile and take his hand, then he pulls me into the all too familiar apartment.
It looked a lot messier though, a lot of alcohol bottles and even a few tissues.

"'Scuse the mess." He chuckles.
"It's okay, it's no better than my room right now."

"Do you want a drink?"
"What do you have?"
"water, juice, beer, wine."
"As my teacher what would you recommend?"
"Probably some wine."

I smirked at his choice, and took a seat on the couch.

"Uh uh uh, upstairs babe." He says while grabbing a bottle of white wine.
"Have you got glasses?" I ask when I notice he's only got the bottle.
"Hush hush." He gives me a warm smile.

We make our way up to his bedroom. I push against the wood, and the door swings open.

I feel a light tap on my ass, making me laugh.

"Miss your laugh the most."
"Not my boobs?" I tease.
"Yeah, missed them second most." His eyes trailed down to them, making me feel uneasy.

"Right, you ready for your punishment sweetheart?"
"Yes daddy."


Hahah I'll be back with smut I swear

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