Chapter 1050

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Raven's POV
I dealt with my hygiene and out on my pj's
I smiled and turned around
"You good?"
I nodded
"Well I came to say goodnight so; goodnight princess"
I smiled and gave him the biggest hug and then stood on my tiptoes so I could make out with him.
We fell back onto my bed and continued to lips.
I sat on his lap facing him and we just kissed for ages whilst he grabbed and rubbed my ass. I could feel his ting getting hard under me.
His lips feel so good against mine I swear.
We were interrupted by knocking at my door so I climbed off him and sat down.
My parents walked in and dad instantly screwed, he didn't say anything
"Yes dad?"
"What are you two doing?"
"Why did you come in here?"
"To see if you're okay but it looks like you're great"
"You're not sleeping in here" he said to Kairo
"No one said he was 🙄"
"I'm just saying
"Okay thanks night"
"No dad you're moving mad just because I like him. And he likes me. You didn't have a problem with us being bestfriends and even before we liked eachother we just didn't say anything and no one had a problem with that"
"Raven-" he started
He raised an eyebrow "idc whether your bestfriends or not I'm just saying there's certain things you can and can not do"
"Okay. Thanks"
"Night Rae, night Kairo" mum said
"Night" we both replied and they left
"For fuck sake!!" I screamed getting off the bed and pacing around

Aaliyah's POV
I heard Raven screamed and sighed inwardly
"Tyrell you need to cut her some slack. She's not gonna do anything she's not ready to. And we both know that Raven has had feelings for Kairo since she was younger. And it's not fair for you to do this when Caine is piping his girlfriend"
"If she gets her heart broken it's on you."

Kairo's POV
She continued pacing around the room
"Raven?" She still continued pacing
I stopped her infront of me and grabbed her by her waist
Her eyes started to water and tears rolled down her face.
I wiped them away
"Bae, its gonna be fine he's just worried about you"
"What could he possibly be worried about?"
"He thinks I'm gonna break your heart"
"Why would he-"
"Because every dad thinks a boy will break their little girls heart"
She sighed and I pulled her close to me
"Patience b"
"I've waited long enough"
"Soon princess. Soon" I wiped her tears again and pulled her back in for a kiss.
I grabbed her ass and she started to rub my dick

Raven's POV
I rubbed his dick and it started to get hard.
I slipped my hands into his bottoms and then into his boxers and I felt it in my hands.
It felt so big 😳😳 Oml
We pulled away from the kiss and looked at eachother
I looked down
"Your dick feels big"
He chuckled "do you wanna see it?"
I carefully pulled it out and continued to rub my hands over it
"It's huge"
He chuckled "thanks"
I put it back in his boxers and looked back at him
"Can you sleep in here with me?"
"Your dad-"
I looked away
I looked back at him and smiled
I kissed his cheek and locked the bedroom door and we sat on the bed making funny snaps together.
We laid next to eachother
"Kairo I love you yukno"
"I love you too babes"

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