Chapter 1155

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Kalani's POV
Me: Hi, erm... I guess I want to meet you and just talk. I have so many questions and I guess you do too... is it okay if my boyfriend comes with?

He replied almost instantly

Mark: Great, I really want to meet you. And Yh it's fine, you can bring your boyfriend. Did you want to come over to my house or be somewhere public?

I looked over to Kam who was still sleeping
"Kam?" I called tapping him
"Yh bae?" He groaned
I smiled "I agreed to meeting my dad-"
His eyes opened and he looked at me
"Could you come with me?"
"Of course b"
"He asked if I wanted to go to his house or meet in public"
"Well imma be with you so it's okay if we go to his house" he said laying on my lap, I started playing with his hair
"Alright, thank you"
"Np b"

Me: i don't mind going to your house
Mark: perfect

And with that he sent his address
Mark: let me know when you're coming, can't wait to meet you

Ahh he seems so nice but I just feel like everything is gonna fall apart.
I looked down at Kam who had fallen asleep on my lap with his arms around my waist. I smiled and took a picture of him. Real loml

Later on, we had both dealt with our hygiene and gotten dressed. I wore a black puma hoodie with puma leggings and converses, Kamal wore a black puma tracky and airforces. He tied his hair back and I left my hair out.
"Do you wanna drive?"
"I'm too nervous"
He smiled and gave me a hug before we left and hopped in his car. I put the address in his phone and we made our way.

Ahhh I'm so nervous

Raven's POV
I woke up and I was so so so excited to go to Rodeo drive omds. I quietly got out of bed and went to do my hygiene. I showered and pulled a robe on before walking back into the room to sit down and beat my face. I was in the process of doing Kairo's fav look and he woke up and rolled over in bed
"Morning ma"
I smiled "Morning babe, how did you sleep?"
"Good wbu?"
He nodded before walking into the bathroom to deal with his own hygiene.
When he came out, he creamed and got dressed into a white Riley polo with a grey Riley tracky ontop. When I had finished my makeup, I got dressed into a white crop top and skirt and slipped on some white Riley heels with the signature blue bottom.
"Mm mmm mmmmm"
I looked up and Kairo was snapping me
"Kairoooo" I giggled
"You look good ma"
I smiled "thank you"
The snap ended and he captioned it: 👅❤️
I walked into the kitchen and went onto postmates on my phone to order us some mc Donald's breakfast.
Being in LA has been mad and has made me acc acknowledge how famous I acc am. Like some times I forget I have 10million subs on YouTube, I'm a partner for one of the leading brands and literally design my own clothes and makeup.
It's honestly insane, like I'm only 18 so speaking to people like Kylie Jenner is really cool because she started young too.

Kairo had finished getting dressed and he wore a black Riley polo and black jeans with black Riley trainers ofc with the blue bottom. We made some snaps together and not too long later, our breakfast arrived. We ate and spoke and then we got ready to leave. I picked up my bag and we hopped in the range and Kairo drove to Rodeo Drive with his hand on my thigh 🥰🥰.

Kalani's POV
I rang the doorbell and turned around and looked at Kamal
"Relax b, it's gonna be fine"
I took a deep breath and turned and faced the door and it slowly opened.
A man who was a bit fair skinned opened the door. He was tall and he had a curly man bun and wore a white Riley polo and jeans.
"Hi Kalani, I'm Mark"
Kamal squeezed my hand
Mark looked over at him.
"You look familiar... do you play for Chelsea?"
"Yh I do"
"Ahh you're very good"
"Thank you" Kam smiled making me smile
He let us into his house which was a nice and led us to the living room where we all sat
"Well Kalani, you must have a lot of quest-"
"Erm Yh i do... how comes you were never around?" I asked looking down into my lap
Kamal squeezed my hand again
"Well, as you know, your mum got pregnant when we were very young, I'm not sure what she's told you but at the time we were in a relationship and I was so excited when she got pregnant and she just didn't feel the same way. She kept saying it was a mistake and there was so much more she wanted to do with her life. She told me she was getting an abortion and I tried my hardest to talk her out of it but she didn't want to listen to anything I had to say. Next thing I knew she had moved away. I never knew she had given birth to you until I ran into a mutual friend of ours. I contacted your mum to ask her about it but she was just being hostile and said that she wanted nothing to do with you"
I looked up at him as the tears streamed down my face. I took some tissues from the coffee table and wiped them away
"She had told me" I started "that you left her when she fell pregnant and that you wanted nothing to do with me. She reminded me everyday that I was a mistake but she couldn't get an abortion because her parents wouldn't let her. I fell pregnant last year too and me and Kamal decided to have an abortion even though it was a hard decision to make, we just weren't ready. She used to beat me up and abuse me mentally, physically and emotionally... she beat me when she found out I got an abortion and the next day..." I went silent and took a deep breath "I was drowning myself in the bath but Kamal saved me" I looked over at him and he squeezed my hand again. "Kamal's parents adopted me and I've been living with them ever since then"
"Oh wow"
There was a moment of silence
"How have you been coping?" He asked
"Kamal and his family have been so supportive of me and have helped me get through my a levels and now my degree"
"What are you studying?"
"Business Management"
"Wooow, I did that too. You really are my daughter" he smiled which made me smile
"I'm so glad I've met you Kalani, I really cannot believe your mum never told me about you" he put his hand to his head
"She's just like that I guess" I shook my head
"Kamal, I'm glad she's has you looking after her"
Kam smiled and nodded "it was nice meeting you"
"Well Kalani, I am your father so we can talk whenever. I'm so glad we've reconnected and I can't wait to meet the people you call family"
I smiled and stood up to give him a hug
"Thank you"
He walked me and Kamal to the door and said bye.
We got into his car and sat there
"That went well babe"
I nodded
"Are you happy?"
I smiled and nodded
"Good" he kissed my lips and drove back home

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