Chapter 1069

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Samantha's POV
This week is New York fashion week so me and my daughters had to fly out there. I also wanted Jayden to come to help get his mind off of things for a while before he actually has to plan his mothers funeral.

Caine's POV
"Raven"' I called walking into her room
"Yh?!" She called from her closet
"Hurry up!!"
"I'm coming! What you wearing?!"
"Riley tracky"
She poked her head outta her closet to see that I was wearing a grey and light blue tracky and then she went back inside of her closet.
I sat on her bed on my phone and just waited for her to g|r
When she was finally dressed in what I was wearing she started on her hair.
She slicked her curls up into a pony tail and then glossed her lips and picked up the things she need.
She turned to face me and smiled
"10 years later" I said standing up
She playfully rolled her eyes and then we left the house.
I'm taking Raven out for a cheeky nandos 😁 because
1) she's my twin
2) because I can
And 3) to help get her mind off things considering mums gone to New York for a few days
Our food has just arrived so we made snaps and what not and then started to eat
She looked up at me "twin?"
"You good?"
"I'm fine" she smiled weakly and then looked back down
She looked up at me "it's just hard Caine" she sighed
"Ik Rae, it will be fine. Trust me"
She smiled and slowly nodded

~ one week later ~
Narrators POV
Everyone was greeted to the sound of Amirah's soft voice as it filled the church.
A flood of black filled in and everyone took their seats in an uneasy silence.
The only other sounds were a few cries by the immediate family and Amirah's voice.
Jayden was the last to take his seat and the pastor took to the alter and everyone applauded Amirah's beautiful singing.
The pastor welcomed everyone, preached and prayed.
Jayden took to the alter.
He looked over at everyone and then just stared down at his feet in hope to compose himself before he finally spoke.
He cleared his throat.

"My mum-" he sighed "my mum was literally the best mother I could have ever asked for" he started, removing his sunglasses.
"My mum was always there for me and my sisters as children. She always knew the right things to say. Ahhh" he looked down for a few moments and his sisters Jaydean and Justine joined him at the front crying silent tears
"I did everything for my mum mann. I wanted to give her the world and I ain't gonna lie I gave my mum everything but I don't feel like I had finished saying thank you to her for everything she has done.
Although she is gone; she'll never be forgotten - and I mean it.
I love her" he ran his hand down his hair and sighed
"It's mad to think she's not hear anymore" he said looking over at her coffin "like I would go and see her 3, 4 times a week, speak to her on the phone, banter with her" he lightly chuckled "and to think that I won't be able to do that anymore hurts I guess... I'll miss her definitely. But atleast she's resting up with my dad in heaven. I miss and love them both"
He looked over at his sisters who were crying and gave them both hugs before returning to their seats whilst everyone lightly clapped

Samantha and Damien has also gone up to speak at the alter.
The pastor preached for a while longer and said one last prayer.
Amirah started to sing again as everyone filed out of the church.
Jayden, Damien, Aaron (Jaydene's husband), Darnell (Justine's husband), Caine, Jamal and Kamal all carried the casket and everyone made their way to the graveyard.

Seeing the casket go down had really finalised it.
Reality hit and people started to acknowledge she was actually gone forever.
Especially Jayden.
He stood their and looked down at her headstone and Samantha grabbed onto his hand.
He just broke down into tears and Samantha hugged him close to her.
"Babe it's okay, she's looking down on us right now."
She pointed at his heart "he's still here babe"
He leaned down and kissed her lips
"I love you babygirl"
"I love you too babe"

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