Chapter 1124

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Kamal's POV
"I'm sorry I broke my promise babygirl"
"I promised that I wouldn't let her hurt you again"
"Kamal, it's not your fault"
"Yh but still"
She kissed my lips and I kissed her back
"It's fine baby, thank you"
I kissed her lips again

Jamal's POV
"I wanna pipe"
I looked up at her and she was staring at me
I smiled
"Yh b?"
She sat on my lap facing me and started leaving soft kisses on my neck. I bit my lip as she started to lick my neck and suck on it
She didn't reply she just kept giving me love bites
She looked at me and just stared
"Gimme kiss then" I smiled
She giggled wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. We lipsed for a while and I pulled away biting her lip making her smile.
"We can't pipe rn babe - Kamal's gonna come back in here"
"Mmhmm" she nodded and smiled "you owe me then"
I chuckled "Yh ofc babygirl"
She smiled and kissed my lips again and there was knocking on my door so Jasmine climbed off my lap
"Come in"
Kamal walked in so Jasmine went to Kalani's room so we went into my closet.

Jasmine's POV
I walked into Kalani's room because her door was open
I smiled "girlllllllll!!!!" I ran over and gave her a hug and she hugged me tight.
"You alright?" I asked her
She nodded and smiled and then we walked into her closet


Bailey's POV
"Mi amor?" (My love?) I called walking up the stairs to our room and she walked out with a sleeping Sanchez in her arms.
I smiled "have you packed?" I asked
She shook her head making me chuckle
"Put Sanchez down to sleep babe, you need to rest"
She smiled and nodded and I kissed her forehead.
I walked into the room and went to start packing a suitcase for me and one for her. When she came back into the room I heard her go into the bathroom to shower.
When I finished packing my suitcase I went into her closet to pack hers with all the stuff I'd kno she want to take and accessories and alla that stuff.
Half way through she walked in wrapped in her towel and her hair was tied up so it stayed straight. She yawned and started to prepare for bed. She left and came back wearing one of my tops and sat on the floor opposite the suitcase.
"You can go to sleep baby"
"Are you sure?"
"Goodnight Bailey" she smiled and stood up so I did too
"Goodnight Skyler. Gimme kisses"
She wrapped her arms around my neck and lipsed me and Iipsed her back squeezing her ass"
"Te amo mi amor" (I love you my love)
She smiled "también te amo" (i love you too)
She went to bed and I finished packing her suitcase and packed a small one for Sanchez.
I showered myself and then got into bed with bae and fell asleep.

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