Chapter 1137

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~ one year later ~

Raven's POV
Guess who actually got AAA in their A levels? Ik it's mad
It's mad
Things have been going well tbh. Business has been booming, I've designed more clothes and released a few new highlighters. Highlight is basically my speciality now.
The guys are still working hard at Chelsea and playing matches all the time, Kairo is still the love of my actual life and he still means the world to me.
Now that I've finished A levels, I'm not going to university, I'm taking a year out and will make a decision later because I'm not sure what I should do - I don't even know what I should study so I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it.

I just uploaded a new YouTube video where I used some stuff I received in PR and made a very very exciting announcement. I'm doing a meet and greet and opening at a new Morphe Store in London!!! I'm so so so excited omds. I also announced that Morphe will be a retailer for Riley makeup starting next week. I gave all the information on my social media platforms about how to win a meet with me and everything is just so exciting.
Ahhhh God is good man.

Skyler's POV
"Mamá, quiero mássss!! " (mummy, i want more!!) Sanchez waddled over to me whining with a bottle in his hand.
"Dices por favor" (say please)
"Por favorrrrrr" He slurred making me chuckle and pour him some more water
I heard Bailey coming down the stairs and he walked into the kitchen with a sleeping Adriana in his hands. I smiled and he winked at me. Adriana is a couple of months old and Sanchez seems to love her so much and it's so cute when they're together
"Tengo ir mi amor" (I have to go my love)
I smiled and kissed his lips "hasta luego" (see you later)
He kissed Adriana and Sanchez
"¡Adiós papá!"
Bailey chuckled "Adiós mijo"

Kairo's POV
I came back home from the academy and jumped in the shower. We have a match in France next week so that should be fun. Me and the guys are all on the development squad and have had a few opportunities to train with the main team and it's so cool, it just reminds me of how close I am to being in the main team. It's mad

Going out with Raven in public is abit mad, the attention that we attract is insane - the season ends in a few weeks and I have the biggest surprise for Raven....

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