Chapter 1144

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Kalani's POV
I don't want Kamal to feel like I'm shutting him out i just don't wanna talk. Arghhhh I'm so angry at myself but so sad at the same time. I know I should speak to him but I just don't know how.

Kamal's POV
I went to my twins room to find we were wearing similar things.
"Kick ball with me"
We went out to the garden and started kicking ball
"So what's up?"
"Hm? Nothing"
I sighed "Kalani's moving mad"
"For the past like 5 nights she's been coming into my bed at 3am-"
"That's not the problem, the problem is, is she wants to sleep with me she comes when I'm going to sleep she only comes at fuck off times if she's having a nightmare about her mum or some shit like that" i said kicking the ball back to him
"Ahhh I see"
"Yh and she won't talk to me about it she's just shouting and shit and I was swearing at her because I lost my cool"
"Bro, give her some time, you know she will speak when she's ready"
"Mmm" I ran a hand through my hair bouncing the ball off my chest


Kalani's POV
I shot up in bed and was breathing mad deeply. Omds again 😭
I looked at the clock and it was about 3:47am. Tears started to form in my eyes and I got out of bed and started pacing around. I really didn't care that me and Kamal weren't speaking atm, I just needed him to hold me.
I ran over to his room and opened the door and walked in.
"Kalani?" He groaned turning over in bed I ran over to his bed and got straight under his duvet burying my face in his pillow
"Babygirl? What's wrong?" He asked sitting up next to me and I just cried abit.
"Kalani? Speak to me please"
I turned around and sat up next to him and just cried. He pulled me closer to him and I cried in his chest as he ran his hand through my hair. When I finally composed myself, I looked up at him.
"Sorry for waking you up Kam"
"Shhh, it's alright princess" he said moving the hair out my face
"Tell me what's wrong"
"I keep having... nightmares a-about her and I don't know what to do!"

Kamal's POV
She broke down in tears again and so I held both of her hands. "Kalani it's okay, you're safe here, nothing is going to happen" I said reassuring her
"I feel helpless" she sniffed
"How can you be helpless if I'm here for you?" I questioned lifting up her chin and she gave me the weakest smile
"I'm here for you babygirl" I said pulling her in for a hug
We laid down and she fell asleep on my bare chest as I played with her hair.
I carefully got out of bed and pulled on some shorts before going downstairs. The kitchen light was on so I'm assuming it was my twin
"You bloody vampire" I said walking in
He chuckled opening a bottle of water
"Wagwaan bro?"
"Kalani has another nightmare"
"Did she talk to you this time?"
I nodded opening the fridge and talking out a bottle of water of my own
"Told you"
I chuckled
"I don't know what I'm gonna do with her" I sighed
"Give it time, you'll figure something out"
I spudded him before going back upstairs to lay down with Kalani. When I got there she was sitting up on my side of the bed
"Erm excuse me"
She smiled "I couldn't sleep" she moved back to her side
I smiled and kissed her forehead. We got comfortable and rested her head on my chest "goodnight Kam"
"Goodnight princess"

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