Chapter 1157

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~ One Week Later ~

Jasmine's POV
The boys left this morning to tour for football, I'm so gassed for them because they've worked so hard but at the same time I'm gonna miss bae.
Right now we were all chilling in Raven's room catching up, me, Anaya, Kalani and Rae.
"Your dad seems nice Kalani" Anaya said
She nodded "Yh I guess, it's just weird you know, because like, my whole life I've heard my m-mum talk badly about him and he just seems like such a genuine person. It's a shame I didn't know him earlier"
"Better late than never" Rae said hugging her
"True" we all agreed
Kalani smiles weakly "thanks guys, your support means a lot"
"That's what we're here for girl" I smiled and she smiled back

Jamal's POV
We landed in Germany and settled into our hotel after we had been greeted by quite a lot of fans at both the airport and the hotel. I'm so gassed for the season to officially start in a couple weeks. Playing in the U21 team is gonna be so live omds 🤩🤩 one step closer to the main squad.

Sanchez' POV
"¡Mamá!" I ran to her study and she looked up from her laptop and smiled
"¿Sí mijo?"
"Quiero nadar por favorrr" (I want to swim please)
"Can you wait for daddy to come home?"
I nodded and walked over to her desk
"What you doing mummy?"
"Answering some emails baby"
I looked at the laptop screen and there was so many words

Skyler's POV
He tapped my leg and I looked down at him
"What's up baby?" I said picking him up and placing him on my lap
"She's sleeping bubs"
My phone started to ring and I looked down to see it was bae and answered it on loud speaker
"Hey beautiful"
"Hey babes"
"Daddy!!!!" Sanchez screeched
Bailey chuckled "Hi son. Babe I just wanted you to know I'm nearly home"
"Alright b, see you soon"
"Bye bye daddy"

~ later on ~

Tyrell's POV
"Come in"
I opened her door and she looked up at me
"Hey dad"
"Hey Rae, you alright?" I asked sitting on her sofa
"Yh I'm alright dad, how are you?"
"I'm good Rae, I wanted to chat to you..."
"About what?" she questioned
"Just everything going on with you right now"
"Oh, okay" she smiled
"So what's your next big project?"
"With Riley?"
"Well I think I'm gonna release an Autumn line, I've been working on some sketches for a while" she said going to get a notebook. She started showing me all of her drawings
"Rae this is really good"
She smiled "thank you"
"I'm really proud of you Rae, you're still so young and you and Caine are doing so well"
"Thanks dad" she smiled
"How's Kairo treating you?"
She smiled and looked down into her lap "really well"
She looked up at me "you don't have anything to worry about dad, Kairo is a true gentleman"
I smiled "I'm sure he is Rae, he makes you very happy"
She blushed and looked away again
"Yh... when we were in LA we were talking about living together..."
I looked at her trying not to change my facial expression
"Don't look like that dad, we were just thinking about it"
I nodded once
"Kairo will most definitely speak to you first before making any kind of decision like that"
I nodded once more
"Living with someone is a big big change Raven"
"Yh, I guess"
"Do you think you're ready for something like that? I know you're turning 19 soon but still, that would be a big jump"
"Erm, I mean, I don't know. I get it's a big jump, I just don't know how I feel. Like I love Kairo, with all my heart, I have no objections to living with him, I just don't know if I'm ready to permanently move away from you guys"
I smiled "well what was it like in LA for a month"
"I liked it... I didn't get bored of his presence"
"Don't let that be your expectation Rae, remember you were on holiday and in reality you are both young working adults"
"I guess you're right"
She looked up at me
"I think you're too young to move out but I guess this is gonna have to be a conversation I have with your mum"
She smiled "when did you guys move out?"
"At like 20"
"Dad I'm gonna be 19"
"That's not 20"
She giggled making me chuckle
"You and mum got married at 23 right?"
"I'm just asking" she laughed
"Yh we got married around then Yh"
"You're most definitely too young to get married"
"What's the right age to marry?"
"It's not really an age, it's more to do with your lifestyle. So when your careers are stable, you have regular incomes, you're ready to start a family, you have to be emotionally and mentally ready for something so big"
"Dad, me and Kairo tick all of those boxes"
I stayed silent for a moment
"I can't let you go just yet Rae"
She smiled "I'm not going anywhere dad, it would just be a small change"
"Rae" I laughed "there is nothing small about marriage"
She smiled "I guess... well, Kairo will come to you first anyway before making such a big decision like that, so we're not gonna elope or anything like that"
"You better not, you're the first person I'll walk down the aisle"
She smiled and gave me a hug "I love you dad"
"I love you too Rae"
"Did you know Ranelle has a crush?"
"Yh... your mum said" I replied running a hand through my hair "have you spoken to her?"
"Yep, she is so head of heels for this boy"
"Oh my days"
Rae laughed "don't worry dad, she'll be fine"
"She's too young for all of this"
"She's 15, nearly 16" Rae laughed again.
"Too young"
"What were you and mum doing at her age"
"Ahhh" I laughed
"Exactly" she laughed back
I stood up to leave her room "keep an eye on your sister"
"I will"
"Thank you"
"No problem"

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