Chapter 1153

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Kalani's POV
I pulled one of Kamal's jumpers over my head and adjusted my hair before making my way over to his room.
I walked in and slumped on the side of the bed he usually sleeps on and got comfortable under the duvet. I started scrolling through insta as I waited for Kamal to come out of the shower.

When he did he had a towel wrapped around his waist; he looked over to me and looked at him. He winked at me, making me blush, before he walked into his closet to get ready. He came back out in a pair of boxers and got comfortable next me in his bed. I rested my head on his chest and he played with my hair
"How you feeling babygirl?"
"I'm not sure Kam"
"Do you think you're gonna want to meet him?"
There was a moment of silence
"I feel like I'm supposed to or- I don't know"
He kissed my forehead "it's up to you b"
Just then my phone flashed so u looked down and it was a text message from my d- Mark
Mark: Hi Kalani, I can understand that I've probably startled you with all of this. But I just wanted to say that, I don't know what your mum has told you about me or if she's told you anything at all. I've been searching for you for a while now and I guess you want some kind of explanation and I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have. I got in contact with your mum and she refused to tell me anything about you so I tried a different approach and found out that you've been adopted? I hope everything is okay with you and your mum. I literally feel left in the dark and I guess you do too. Give me a call back or a text when you're ready. There's no rush

When I finished reading it, I handed my phone over to Kamal and he read it too. I felt so numb Omds.
"So my mum is just a compulsive liar then?"
He sighed
I locked my phone and just rested my head back on his shoulder.
"He seems genuine" Kamal said
"Ahhh I know, but I'm scared. What if something goes wrong? What if he's a liar just like my mum? What if-"
"Shhhhh" He put a finger to my lip "you won't know unless you try and remember b, I got you"
I got instant butterflies. I sat up and pulled him in for a deep kiss before resting my forehead on his
"I love you Kam"
"I love you to babe"

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