Chapter 1098

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Anaya's POV
I was speaking to Xavier about Caine and I knew he was angry but he didn't say much.
He's always been over protective tbrh but I just left it and went back home.
Sundays are boring days, I might go see Caine later

Raven's POV
"Caine Richardson Riley Gibson."
"Yh Rae?"
"Tell me what's going on. Right now."
There were a few moments of silence
"I smoke..."
"What do you smoke Caine?"
She sighed and looked away "I knew it" she mumbled
I looked down for a few moment and when I looked back up she was just staring at me.
She was giving me the "Caine I'm so disappointed in you / Caine im going to kill you" stare
"Rae, stop looking at me like that"
She shook her head "Caine I'm very dis-"
"Ik you are" in

Xavier's POV
I snapped Caine and told him to come over so I could speak to him.
I also told him not to mention it to my sister.
When he did come over, he was kinda baffed as to why I wanted him to come to my house so I sat him down in the living room and explained to him everything Anaya told me about how she knows he smokes and then explained our past.
He looked down to his feet and was quiet for a moment
"You have to stop" I said sitting back in the chair
He looked up at me and slowly nodded before sighing
"Thanks for telling me"
I nodded
He spudded me and then was on his way, probably to see Anaya

Caine's POV
"Hey Caine" she smiled weakly
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you know I smoke?"
She instantly looked away and walked back into her closet
I sighed inwardly and followed her in, standing by the door. She stood there folding and hanging clothes.
"Because I didn't wanna talk about it"
"Why not?"
"If Xavier has spoken to you then you know why not" she sighed
I looked down at my feet and then back up at her.
"I'm sorry Nay"
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again as her eyes glazed over with tears.
She nodded
I walked over to her and she ignored me, continuing to fold her clothes but I stopped her. She just looked down at her feet
I lifted her chin to face me and then put my hands around her waist
"I'm sorry that I've been making you hurt, especially cah Ik you've been going through a lot. But bae, it's alright for you to talk to me about these things even if you think I'll get mad cah even if I do, youkno I'll always come running back to you princess"
Her eyes wandered and then she looked back at me.
I wiped her tears away and cupped her face in my hands
"Anaya, I'm so sorry"
"please stop smoking" she mumbled looking down
I nodded as she looked back up at me
"You know I'll never hurt you right..?"
She nodded and I pulled her in for a kiss

Anaya's POV
Ahh I love him

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