Chapter 1129

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Raven's POV
2 weeks later we were back in London and the boys were starting at the academy which they all seem excited about and tbh I'm excited about it as well.
There was knocking at my bedroom door
"Come in" i called and my mum walked in
"Hey" I smiled putting boom down
"Hey" she said sitting on my bed next to me "so I wanted to talk to you..."
"Go on"
"How seriously do you wanna take modelling and fashion and designing and alla that stuff? Like as a hobby or like me -"
"Like you"
She smiled "are you sure because this can be very very overwhelming"
I thought for a moment and she's not wrong, all the models in the family are always flying out always at meeting always at shoots always going to different stores product launches and I understand that there is so much pressure on them because they're producing something for people and it's inevitable that they have to deal with the criticism and social media is a bitch and it's hard to keep our life private especially how like both my parents are followed by paparazzi everywhere they go. So I guess it's a lot to deal with
"Well, I guess it's a lot. Like a lot but I really wanna do it"
She nodded "well we're preparing for all the new products we're releasing in the middle of September for autumn, so you wanna be involved in that?"
"Yaaaaassss!!!" I smiled
"Good, we have 4 weeks so basically what happens is me, Aysia and the triplets all have our own make up in the company so we design our eyeshadow lipsticks lip gloss liners highlighters foundation and all of that and then mum looks at everything that we've chosen and the colours and that and then they start getting made so I guess your big thing could be your own make-"
"ARE YOU JOKING?!??!!?!!!!!!"
She laughed "no, you can start yours today"
"Yh" she laughed
"Omds thank you!!!"
"Np, g|r and we'll go to the studio"
I smiled and went to change my clothes and do my make up


Caine's POV
The academy was liveeee omds. Dad picked me up and we routed yard and spoke about how it was.
"Is Raven home?"
"Where she?" I asked going on snap
"With your mum doing work stuff"
"Ahhh I see I see" I replied viewing her snap. She looked nice so I screenshotted her selfie and posted it with the caption: twinnn 😍💖
I popped up to her
Me: you look good twin
Her: thank you caineeeeeee ☺️☺️ How was the academy?
And then me and her started speaking about our days and she seemed to be having a lot of fun doing her make up stuff.

Renae's POV
I've been sooooooo tired lately oh my days. With Mason back at training I've been more active looking after Malachi who is growing beautiful.
Rn he's asleep on my bed so I'm gonna sleep for a while before he wakes up.
Ahhhh I'm only at the 7th week of pregnancy but I can't wait until the baby gets here Omds!!!

Raven's POV
Well today was an eventful day. I got to see a RANGE of different colour and test different things. Today I managed to choose all the colours for my eyeshadow palette which is gonna have 9 different colours in it and what I'm gonna call each of the colours. I decided not to do a foundation so all I have left is liquid lipstick, lipstick, HIGHLIGHTERRRRR, blush, eyeliner, mascara and primer
I'm so excited about this because apart from some of the magazine covers I've done and the modelling for Riley this is gonna be my first BIG thing that I executed myself.
Like Yh I've designed clothes but I feel so much more involved in this.
Ahhhh I'm so excited for this

I slumped on my bed and went on snap and watched Kairo's story. I smiled he seemed to have so much fun at the academy with the guys.
He posted the pictures and videos I posted today 🙊🙊 I swiped up and typed 🙈🙊💘 xxx
I FaceTimed him and he answered straight away
"Hey babygirl"
I smiled "hey Kairo, how was your day?"
He started telling me about his day and what the academy was like and that
"Arwh it sounds like you really like it babe"
"Yh I do, wbu, how was your day?"
I smiled and started telling him about my day
"Mmmm you're gonna do great babe"
I smiled "thank you baby, it means a lot"
"Np ma, you're gonna be amazing and everyone is gonna love what you come out with"
My face set on fire and I looked away making him chuckle
"You're cute Rae"
I smiled "Kairo stopp"
"I love you babygirl"
"I love you too bae"
He winked at me and I stayed on ft to him and we spoke and I removed my makeup and changed and everything.
I got in bed and fell asleep on ft to him ❤️

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