Chapter 1110

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Skyler's POV
I could hear Sanchez crying on the baby monitor and I rolled over in bed to see that it was 2:56AM. I rubbed my eyes, rolled out of bed and slipped on my sliders and went across the hall to check on him.
When I looked over his crib, he raised his arms and continued to cry. I swooped him into my arms and rocked him and soothed him close to me and slowly started to calm down.
As I went to put him back down, he began to cry again. I smiled and soothed him again and sat down on the rocking chair in the nursery.
"Sanchez" I smiled down at him playing with his nose and he began to gurgle
I made a snap of him with the time filter
Caption : look what time he's got me awake 😅❤
"Sanchezzzz" I smiled and blew a raspberry on his cheek making him gurgle again
"¿Quieres ver a papi Sanchez? Do you wanna see your daddy?"
He continued gurgling so I took that as a yes and walked back across the hall to our room and Bailey had just walked out the bathroom yawning
Sanchez made a loud sound and stretched his arms out to him causing us all to smile and Bailey took him and we all got into bed
I laid down as Bailey played with Sanchez and ended up falling asleep, I was so so so tired

Anaya's POV
Ew he touched me again
Why does he keep touching me
And again
I feel so dirty and so nasty
My own father
Why would he do that to me?
I'm his daughter
His own flesh and bl-

I jumped up in bed breathing really deeply. I keep having the same dream - well nightmare, night after night after night and it's freaking me out.
I miss my mum man 😔
It's times like this when I wish I could just run to her and be in her presence youkno
Just talk about things
I miss her so badly
And now I'm just in this house everyday with the monster that forced her to commit suicide. I hate him so much for that. So so so much. It hurt even more when he acted like her death meant nothing. He acted like he didn't care. He acted like it wasn't his very own fault. I laid face down on my bed and cried into my pillow
Ahhh I was hurting so badly
I missed her so badly
I wanted to speak to her - so badly

I looked over at my clock and it was 3:38AM. Hmm Ik for a fact Caine is awake rn - bloody vampire 🙄.
I called him and he answered on the second ring
"What's wrong baby girl?"
"How do you kno there's suin wrong?"
"Because you're calling me at 3:40 in the AM"
I smiled to myself
"So what's up babe?"
"Ahhh I had a nightmare again-"
"Same thing?"
"And I just miss my mum so badly tbh" I sighed
"Ik you do baby but she's watching over you rn, you know she's you're guardian angel and she's not gonna let your dad hurt you - i won't let him hurt you. And babe, Yh your mums not physically here but you know she's always in your heart b, even though you won't get a reply, you can still talk to her. And stop crying baby girl, you're beautiful"
I smiled and wiped my tears away "thanks Caine I -"
"Love you too b"
I giggled "I coulda been saying suin else youkno"
"Like what?" He chuckled
We both laughed
"Seriously tho, thanks babe that actually made me feel better"
"That's what I'm here for Nay"
I smiled "I love you Caine"
"I love you too princess, get some sleep I'll come see you later"
I smiled "alright, and you sleep too"
"Of course" I heard the smile in his voice making me smile too
"Goodnight baby"
"Goodnight princess"
*locked off*

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