Chapter 1100

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Isis's POV
So all the guys went out to buy things for the baby shower and me and the girls were just getting ready and doing our hair and that.
I wasn't feeling well tho, I kinda wanted to sleep but I firmed it.
"Ahhh I can't wait for him to come now" I said looking down and holding my stomach
"Same" the girls agreed

I heard the door open downstairs so I guess the guys were back
Me and the girls went downstairs and greeted the guys as they started to set up

Family and close family friends had all arrived and we were playing the baby shower game and looking at the gifts everyone had gotten us and cut the cake and what not
I turned around to face Riley and he beckoned me into the kitchen
"Yh babe"
"Are you alright?" He asked pouring himself a drink
"Yh I'm fine"
"You sure? You look like you need to sleep"
"I'm literally so tired I'm ngl"
He pulled me close to him and put his hands around my waist
"Everyone's going soon, and I'll make you your hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows Yh"
I smiled and tiptoed to kiss his lips
"Ahh I love you"
"Ik you do"
I rolled my eyes playfully and hit his arm and we both laughed and went to join everybody else

Renae's POV
I climbed out the shower and wrapped a towel around myself and let my hair drip.
I walked back into the room and Mason was playing on the PS4
He looked at me and stared for a bit and then continued playing his game.
"You're beautiful youkno"
I smiled and my face went warm "thank you"
"Did you enjoy yourself today?"
"Yh it was fun, the presents were really nice"
He smiled and nodded and then I went into my closet to cream and put underwear on and then went to Mason's closet and put a jumper on and then slumped on the bed letting my hair air dry

Bailey's POV
"¿Qué?" She replied with annoyance in her voice
"¿Cuál es el problema?"
(What is the problem?)
"Déjame en paz Bailey"
(Leave me alone Bailey)
She stormed upstairs and slammed the door behind her

Ahhh hormones 🙄

I went into the kitchen and made her hot chocolate with whipped cream, sliced her a piece of cake and got her a hot water bottle and took it up to her. I left t on her bedside table and waited for her to come back into the room from her closet

When she did come back, she was wearing one of my jumpers and her hair was down in curls. She didn't even look at me, she just grabbed the TV remote, climbed onto the bed and sipped on the hot chocolate i had brought up for her.

I sighed inwardly "Skye, mírame"
(Skye, look at me)
She didn't look but I spoke anyways, "babe, I can see that you're annoyed so imma give you your space" I stood up and kissed her forehead
"goodnight babygirl"

~ Christmas Eve ~

Riley's POV
Triple Threat and Renae all agreed on having laid back Christmas this year, I guess that's because they all just wanted to stay home considering how heavily pregnant they all are, that's understandable.

Isis has been sleeping basically all day and so I'm trying not to bother her. Actually, it's given me the perfect opportunity to wrap her presents without her knowing. I never had the chance because of training and matches and Isis always waits up for me.

I bought her the normal: shoes, bags, clothes, accessories etc.
Her main present though are diamonds because she just loves her diamonds and I'm negl, she slays in them.
It's a set of diamond earrings, a necklace and bracelet and the most beautiful ring (after her wedding ring obviously) ahhh she's actually gonna love it


Merry Christmas guys, I hope everyone's having a great holiday xx

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