Chapter 1145

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Kalani's POV
"Kalani, wake up"
My eyes fluttered opened and I looked up at Kamal
"Morning babygirl"
"Morning Kam" I yawned "what time is it?"
"About 12:30"
"Oh. Okay"
"How you feeling?" He asked getting out of bed
"Erm, okay I guess"
He nodded "we're going out with squad tonight remember?"
"Oh Yh, I totally forgot. What you wearing?"
"No idea b, whatever Jamal wears"
I smiled "y'all are cute"
He smiled walking over to his bathroom. He looked back at me "Come with me"
I smiled and walked over to his bathroom. We brushed our teeth whilst he played music out of his speakers.
He ran the water and then started to undress me. A shiver went down my spine as his warm hands touched my skin.
I pulled down his shorts and boxers and we were both naked. He lifted my chin and I tiptoed to kiss his lips and he grabbed onto my ass making me smile.
We stepped in the shower and the water hit my skin, he pushed me up against the tile with one hand on the wall and one on my breast and kissed me hard. I felt his piece getting harder on my stomach. I shivered breaking the kiss
"Relax" he whispered in my ear and then started nibbling on it. I breathed out heavily and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went down to my ass and thighs and the butterflies in my stomach started going crazy. He lifted my leg and pushed his piece in
"Ahhhh" I squealed leaning my head on his chest
He did long slow strokes in and out of me as we made out "mm faster" i said in between kisses and he sure did get faster. I was literally screaming as he went in and out of me to the beat of the music. I started sucking on his chest and neck leaving him some love bites.
I felt my legs about to give way "fuckkkkkk!!!" I squealed "Kam, I'm gonna cummmm!!!"
"Ahhhhhh" he moaned
"Fuckkkkk!!" I screamed
And I felt myself cum all over him before he pulled out and bussed
I caught my breath and looked back up at him and he smiled at me and I just kissed his lips. We soaped each other and then hopped out the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and Kam wrapped one around his waist and we walked back into his room. I slumped on his bed and he chuckled before walking into his closet.
I rolled over and grabbed my phone and opened the girls gc to speak to Jasmine, Anaya and Raven
Me: what's everyone wearing tonight?
Jasmine: no bloody clue mate
Anaya: no idea
Raven: 😂😂 probably a dress or two piece I don't even know
Me: calm, should I do my makeup
Raven: yes!!
Anaya: ofc girl
Jasmine: yaaaas
Me: 😂😂
Jasmine: have any of the boys told y'all where we're going
Raven: Kairo said a restaurant but won't say which one 🙄
Me: they're so annoying 😂🙄
Anaya: soooooo annoying
Jasmine: you're not wrong there
Raven: ahhh gotta love them man 😅😅
Me: at least they're ticking all the boxes I guess
Jasmine: and what are those boxes
Me: they love us ✅
Raven: true
Jasmine: true
Me: cute as hell ✅
Always looking out for us ✅
Smell good ✅
Nice hugs ✅
Jasmine: sex sex sex ✅✅✅
Raven: sex ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Anaya: sexxxxxx ✅✅✅✅✅✅
Me: Yh, sex 😂😂✅✅✅✅
Raven: 😂😂
Me: Lmd
Jasmine: speaking of sex, my boyfriend should be arriving soon
Me: got it in the shower 🤗
Raven: shower sex is 🥵🥵
Jasmine: ^^ mood af
Anaya: ^^^^^
Me: 😅😅
I looked up to face Kamal walking out of his closet
"Who's making you smile like that?"
I giggled "I'm talking to the girls"
"Oh oh oh" he smiled "what y'all talking about?" He asked brushing his hair
"Oh you know... the usual"
"Y'all talking about us?"
I giggled and tapped my nose making him chuckle
"I'll take that as a yes"

~ later that day ~

Raven's POV
I finished up my makeup by applying some eyelashes and spraying my face and straightened my weave. New hair whoooo this? I got my new weave in for LA which is black but with a brown/honey blonde ombré. I know I have long hair but sometimes I just don't want to apply any heat to it. Kairo hasn't seen it yet and I can't wait to see what he says. I walked into my closet and looked at all my clothes and still had no bloody idea what to wear. I pulled an electric blue long sleeved crop top and matching bodycon skirt that stopped at my knees. I slipped it on and looked in the mirror and smiled, this outfit is from my new collection and actually slays if I do say so myself. My outfit matched the eye makeup I did perfectly and I smiled before slipping on some blue Riley heels. I took a picture in my full length mirror and posted on my story with the caption: 💋
I picked up a blue clutch bag and as I walked back into my room, my door knocked
"Come in" i called and in walked Jasmine, Anaya and Kalani
"Fuck you lots look good"
"Thanks" they smiled
"You look gooooodd goooood" jasmine smiled
"Ahlie" Kalani and Anaya agreed
I smiled and we made a snap together in the mirror and we all posted it
Kalani looked down at her phone "Kamal said they're pulling up outside"
"Coolio" I picked up my blue leather jacket and clutch bag and we all walked downstairs just as my dad answered the door to the guys and greeted them.
"You lots look good"
"Thanks" we all said
We made some snaps together and then routed out. I got into the passenger seat of Kairo's Audi and he just stared at me.
"You alright Kai?" I asked moving the hair out my face
"Hm? Uh, Yh I'm good. You look goooooooooood. And your hair is penggggg"
My face went mad hot "thanks bae you look good too"
He smiled and leaned in and kissed my lips before starting to drive.
He put his hand on my thigh as he drove and I took an instant deep breath as soon as he did
"You alright there ma?"
"Erm Mmhmm" i managed to get out
He chuckled and squeezed my thigh
"Your ass looks mad fat in that skirt youkno"
"That's because my ass is fat Kairo"
He laughed "you're not wrong there babygirl"
I giggled
"Ahhh the way we're gonna pipe when you're off your reds is gonna be so mad"
I giggled "Kairo stop" I covered my face
"You're cute"

~ at the restaurant ~
We all sat around the table after dealing with the boys' fans and a few of mine. All the girls sat on one side with the boys opposite. I looked up at Kairo and be was preeing me. I smiled and looked back down at the menu
"Before we even order a drink" Jamal started "can you guys please acknowledge that we're paying"
We just stared back at them
"Orrrrrrr" Kalani started
"We could split it equally" I finished
"Orrrr" Kamal started
"You could let us be gentleman" Kairo said
There was a moment of silence
"Fine" me Anaya Jasmine and Kalani all said at the same time
The waiter came over to take our drink order.
"What would you like to drink?"
"Can we have a bottle of champagne please?"
"Any particular type?" He asked
"The best you have" Jamal said
"Thanks" we all said
In no time, the waiter was back to pour our drinks. He left the bottle in some ice at the end of the table and said he'd be back to take out order. We were eating at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, I've never been before but always wanted to go. We cheersed our drinks and returned to the menu. We all chose what we wanted to eat and our order was taken.
We spoke and bantered and honestly, I love just chilling with my squad man
"So y'all going LA in two days" Jasmine smiled
I looked up at Kairo and smiled
"Have funnnn"
I smiled "we should do a squad holiday next summer"
"That would be liveo" Jamal said
"Where should we go?" Anaya asked
"Morocco" Jasmine said
"Omds yesss" i replied
"That's gonna be so live" Caine said as our starters came out. We thanked the waiter and started eating

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