Chapter 1105

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Aaliyah's POV
"Yh?" She replied as I walked through her door
"I came to collect laundry earlier and I saw something interesting"
She turned around to face me "what's that..?"
"Your sketches"
Her eyes opened wide and then she put a hand to her face "oh my-"
"No no no, they're really good-"
"Yh, almost better than mine" I flicked my hair making her laugh and playfully roll her eyes
"Seriously, are they actually good?"
"They're amazing"
She smiled "thank you"
"So how do you feel about having your own Coll-"
"Say. God. Knows." She said covering her mouth
I laughed "God knows"
"AHHHHHHH!!!!" She jumped up and gave me a hug and I laughed hugging her back "thanks mum"

Riley's POV
Chelsea played a good match tbh, we won 2-0. I couldn't wait to get home to Isis and Jason tbrh.
When I did get home, they were both asleep on our bed
I smiled and made a snap of them
Caption: way too cute ❤

Skyler's POV
"You alright b?"
"Yh I'm fine" he replied bluntly taking Sanchez and rocking him in his arms
"Mm" I followed him upstairs and he laid Sanchez down in his crib and I went into our room and he followed in soon after
"What's up Bailey?"
"I said I'm fine"
"Yh and Ik you're lying, tell me what's wrong?"
"I didn't play well today"
"You played well you just wasn't on your A game -"
"I didn't play well today"
"And whys that?"
He shrugged it off
"You seem distracted..?"
He didn't reply
"Oh... your dad-"
"He's not my fucking dad"

Bailey's POV
She didn't reply
I looked up at her "sorry-"
"No it's fine" she smiled lightly
I sighed "ever since he's showed up again I just feel like he's here to ruin my life again"
"Bailey, listen. You play for Chelsea FC, you are a great baller, you have a family that care about you, a beautiful new born son-"
"And you"
She smiled lightly "and me. Babe don't let him get to you. From where I'm sitting; you're doing a lot better than he is"
"I don't wanna turn out like him" I said running a hand through my curls
"You won't be like him"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because Ik you Bailey. I didn't say yes to marrying you for no reason. You're not like that"
I smiled abit
"Babe you won't turn out like him. I promise" she pecked my lips but I pulled her in for a deeper kiss
"I love you babe"
"I love you too"

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