Chapter 1139

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Kairo's POV
Rae got ready into a red playsuit and put on some red shoes. Her hair remained curled, she couldn't be bothered to do her makeup so she picked up her bag and we went out to chill in her garden because the weather was banging.
"So Rae"
She looked over to me "mmhmm?"
I went in my bag and took out an envelope and handed it to her. She raised an eyebrow and opened it and took out what was inside
"No way!" She looked at me in so much shock
"Kairo is this for real?!"
I nodded
"No way" she said again
I laughed "do you like it?"
"Ofc i do!!! We're going to LA!!!!!!" She squealed before jumping into my lap
I hugged her back as she wrapped her arms around my neck
"I'm glad you like it b"
"Kairo this means the absolute world to me"
I smiled and kissed her cheek "I know you've wanted to go for a while now"
She smiled
"Oh I should go ask my parents"
"I already asked them, they said it's fine"
"Ahhh Kairo you're the actual best"
I smiled and winked at her and she began to make a snap
"So how long we going for?"
"4 weeks"
Her smile grew bigger
"I have more surprises lined up for you when we get there"
"Ahhh what did I do to deserve you?"
I chuckled "just wanted to treat you because I'm always going away for football nowadays -"
She hugged me again
"And you deserve a break b, you've been doing so well and working so hard"
She smiled "I can't believe this"
"Believe it b"

Isis' POV
My parents are looking after all of the children so the squad can go out because we haven't been out in a while. I got ready and beat my face and met Riley downstairs in the kitchen. He smiled at me "you look good"
"Thanks so do you" I smiled and he winked at me. We hopped into the range and drove to the restaurant.
We arrived at the restaurant and greeted everyone and browsed the menu
I looked down at my phone and got the maddest notif

Jayden's POV
I rushed Samantha to the hospital.
My heart was beating so fast. I squeezed onto her hand but she didn't respond. Her chest moved up and down slowly. I was so scared oh my days. My eyes welled with tears but I tried to remain focussed on the road.
I looked over at her and her eyes remained shut.
Ahhh nearly there nearly there

~ few hours later ~

Samantha's POV
My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room I was in. My hand instantly went to my head which was pounding. I felt it and I had a bandage wrapped around it. What the heck is going on?
I looked across the room and Jayden's things were on a chair and just then he walked back into the room
"Ah thank God" he wiped his eyes and rushed over to me and gave me the tightest hug "I was so worried about you Sam"
"Jay, what happened? I only remember having a really bad headache"
"You were complaining about your head a lot and you were going upstairs to lay down and get some rest and you just passed out on the stairs and hit your head really really bad - you were bleeding"
I nodded
"I'm so glad you're okay" he squeezed my hand "You were unconscious for a long long time, the doctors nearly lost you"
Just then there was knocking on the door and my children started to file in
"How you feeling mum?" Isaac asked
"I'm fine" I looked up at them "I'm doing okay guys, you didn't have to come"
"We did" they all replied making me smile
"Thank you" I smiled at them and they all gave me hugs and kisses

Jayden's POV
She's my actual heartbeat ❤️

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