I want Space....but HELLO TO YOU SWEET THANG

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I sat on the couch with my legs crossed watching Ben and Dark Link play Halo together as I listened to Offenderman and Eyeless Jack go at it again.

"She's mine you Kidney Freak!" Offenderman's voice boomed throughout the living room. Ben and Dark paused the game and pulled out their personal Sound canceling Headphones.

"Um..guys" I tried to speak over them.

"No you Man Whore, Alice Is Mine!" EJ spat.



"GUYS!" I yelled over them. They stopped arguing and looked at me.

"Shut the fuck up for once and fight over something else." I sighed angrily.

"Of course! What Ever you Say my Lovely Black Rose." Offenderman smiled. He walked over and sat down on the couch beside me. He put his long arms around me and pulled me to his chest. He planted a gentle wet kiss on my lips and my face completely became flustered. When I tried to pull away he wouldn't let go. Claude, my rabbit guardian or my used to be brother Cole, walked up behind the couch and pried me from his arms.

"Didn't Slender make a rule that you couldn't touch or go near Alice?" Claude asked.

"I don't remember such a rule." Offender chuckled.

"Oh you're right Claude.. he did make such a rule." EJ smirked. "Maybe we should go talk to him about that."

A light bulb flashed inside of my head. "Oh you're right EJ maybe we should." I smirked.

"See she's even had it up to here with you." EJ smiled with triumph.

"Oh no EJ I was talking about both of you guys." I grinned.

"Huh?" Ej said with confusion.

"I'm going to go talk to Slender about you both.. I'm simply tired of hearing your bickering. I'm tired of both of you fighting over me when I'm showing no interest in either of you guys. Yes I love you Offender and yes I kinda have a thing for you EJ but you 'dumped' me because of shit that was going on. And I don't need that." I explained. "So I'm going to talk to Slender.. Hurry Claude before they try to stop us!" Claude nodded his head and held onto me with a secure grip and ran out of the living room.

"Hurry Stop Them!" Offender rushed.

"For once I'm going to work with you." EJ said as he ran after us. Claude ran up the stairs with Offender and EJ hot on our heels. Offender shot his tentacles at us and tried to trip Claude but he jumped just in time.

"Ha HA Faster Claude Faster!" I laughed. He Bounced off of the walls and dodged every attack Offender and EJ threw at us. EJ and Offender tackled Claude to the floor but I didn't get hurt from the fall. With his great strength he pushed them off of him and rushed to Slender's study. They tackled his ankles and held onto them but Claude continued to trudge on. Claude pushed open his study door and fell onto the floor and put his arms out and held himself up so he wouldn't land on me.

"Oh Alice... what's going on?" Slender asked. I looked up at him.

"I would like to have a discussion about my stalkers." I said to him and crawled off from under Claude and dusted myself off.

"Why hello my pretty hehe." A tall guy wearing black and white that was sitting on the side of Slender's desk smiled.

I tilted my head to the side, "Who's he?" I asked.

"Im Laughing Jack but you may call me LJ hehe, You want some Candy?" He giggled.

"Im Bloody Alice but you may call me Alice or whatever freak of a nickname you would give me." I stated. "and No candy please"

"Suit yourself." He pulled a piece of candy out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth.

"Anyway" I paused and sniffed the air. I smell blood. I sniffed the air again and looked towards LJ. "Hold on Slendy." I walked over to LJ and sniffed him and than sniffed his lips. He stuck out his tongue and I jolted me head back and sniff the red piece of candy on his tongue.

"What kind of candy is this?" I asked.

"Blood Candy hehe" He pulled his tongue back into his mouth.

"I want some" I pouted.

"You said you wanted none so no Hehe." LJ giggled. I got frustrated and grabbed his face. I pulled his face towards mine and forced my tongue into his mouth. I moved my tongue around inside of his mouth looking for the candy and finally found it and pulled it out of his mouth. I sucked on the candy and smiled with happiness and triumph while he stared at me with his face flustered like a red tomato. At least he has some color on him now.

"Now...Back...to... what I was...saying." I sucked on the candy in between the words. " I would like...a...new rule for EJ...And Offender both." I continued.

"Why?" Slender Asked.

"They fight over me too much and it's annoying. And than you have the fact that they would use me to make each other Jealous and even bother me in the middle of the night." I explained

"So that's why I hear you screaming in the middle of the night. If that's what you want child, than I'll do what I can." Slender nodded his head.

"Great! But you hear that you bugs! Leave me the fuck alone and find something else to do with your lives." I huffed. The candy dissolved in my mouth and I turned to the still flustered LJ. "Hey you have anymore of that candy?" I asked. He nodded his head and held out another piece of candy. I stared into his eyes as I walked over towards him and took the piece of candy out of his hand. I opened the wrapper and popped the candy into my mouth while still staring at him. He stared at me with such hunger in his eyes that I began to chuckle.

"You hungry?" I smiled a sadistic smile at him.

"Yes my pretty hehe" He chuckled.

"Well Im pretty sure you have candy so feed yourself." I ginned

"She's so vicious..... I like it" He chuckled to himself. Slender cleared his throat and I looked at him.

"Oh im sorry Slen, I'll go on with my day." I smiled.

"And...hehe..i'll follow...hehe her." LJ stood up straight and came up behind me and pulled me against his chest.

"HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY ROSE!" Offenderman yelled.

"Now now Offenderman, I suggest you calm down, we already have established the rules of Alice and I told you on day one that She was off limits." Slenderman said calmly.

"But She was a child than and she mean't nothing to me!" Offender pouted.

"How long have you been here my sweet piece of candy?" LJ whispered into my ear.

I blushed as his voice rang in my ear, "about 11 years."

He bit my ear, " I should have came by before, I truly would have enjoyed sharing my candy with you."

" And I would have believed that you was a creep." I said and pushed him off of me.

"Ohh feisty. Hehe" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me.

"You know what.. I feel like going out for a killing." I said. "Claude please go get me my scissors." He nodded his head and left the room. I walked out of the room and stomp down the stairs. When Claude met me at the front door with my Scissors, I took them, pulled up my knee socks, fluffed my skirt, straightened my violet shirt and hugged Claude farewell and left the house. The Kill is on... "Don't worry, you're safe with me."

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