Do What You're Told!

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*Violet's POV*

I trudged slowly up the steps of the mansion. As I hit the first step the front door flung open.

"A Joale!!!!1" His Voice boomed.

"E Zalgo." I mumbled and stomped through the door. He ushered me towards the dark gloomy living room and pointed to the chair.

"Lula!!!!2." He commanded. I sat down on the chair and looked up at him. "You are a disappointment little girl. I asked of you one simple task but you ended up losing her and allowed her to walk away. You also blew your cover!" He lectured.

"Well it wasn't my fault that a Police officer blew my cover." I back fired.

"And than to add to it, She saw you and had to save your pathetic esele!3." He continued.

"It's not my fault!" I backfired.

"Yes It Is! You were supposed to be careful! Lead them away from her. It was simple task, bring the girl nothing else instead she-" He stopped yelling at me and I could see that an idea has flashed in his eyes. "This is perfect." He smirked. I tilted my head in confusion.

"What's perfect?" I asked.

"You did well..all you need to do is get closer to her..make her trust you. Than lure her back to me." He looked down at me with an evil smile.

"But if I get closer wouldn't it be bad?" I asked.

"Yes in deed but you forgot..I can fix that little bond." He smirked.

"You can?" I asked without belief. He thumped me on my forehead.

"E! Have you forgotten who I am!" His voice rang throughout the mansion.

"ha ho4. Zalgo!"

"Good now go call the others!" He commanded. I rushed over to the phone and quickly dialed the numbers. I called Bob, the thing that stalks the fields and Seed eater.

"Kopana Joale!!!!5." I said into the phone and hung it up. There was a knock on the door.

"Get It!" Zalgo commanded. I nodded my head and quickly rushed over to open the door.

"Ka Rata le lehae la rona6." I bowed to them and stepped out of the doorway so they could walk in. Bob nodded his head at me as he walked in while The Thing and Seed crawled past me without making contact.

"Well it's nice to see you to." I mumbled.

"Ok the reason why I had Violet call you is because I have a very important matter to discuss with you guys. Follow me." Zalgo motioned for them to follow him. He lead them to the living room and they each sat on the guest couch while I stood next to Zalgo's personal couch.

"What is it you have to discuss Zalgo?" Bob asked.

"Yes what is it?" The thing asked.

"Hello Violet." Seed eyed me.

"Hello Seed. How are you?" I asked.

"Well well you?" Seed asked.

"Im fine." I smiled.

"We have no time to be discussing how you have been slave. We have more important matters to discuss." Zalgo glared.

"Well I just wanted to see how my used to be master is doing." Seed said.

"Enough of that! Violet is a doppelganger and guess who the other half is." Zalgo smirked.

"Rake?" The thing asked.

"No! We never speak that traitors name. He had one simple task and that was to locate the girl that was precious to Slender and he ended up helping her while Shadow Man tried to take over her body. Any way Violet is the doppelganger of none other than the of powerful Bloody Alice." Zalgo Eyes gleamed with pride. Everyone shot their eyes towards Violet.

"What She's like?" Bob asked.

"Yea what she's like?" Thing asked.

"Um she acts like me..well I act like her.. im just the younger version of her." I said with an confused expression.

"Wow so what's the plan Zalgo?" Seed asked.

"We will destroy her! and Than turn her over to the dark side and than she will rule beside me as my dark queen and mother of Violet." Zalgo Laughed.

"Huh?" I asked. The others roared in excitement. "Wait Zalgo I thought you said that you just wanted to kill her?" I asked.

"Oh no my little monstrosity I want more from her. And I want to watch Slender and his Proxies suffer. Now you will wait for her at the entrance portal and you will live with her until she fully trust you. Than you will bring her to me and I will take care of the rest. Now go pack your things and get ready to go." Zalgo commanded. I looked at him just before going up the stairs and packing my things. I don't need much. I probably wont have to stay long. but what if Rake is still there with her..things will defiantly go down hill for me. I filled up a small bag with the things I always wear and my favorite stuffed rabbit my mother gave me just before I killed her with my own hands.

"Don't worry Twinkles. We'll please Zalgo and get what we want. Well what he wants I really don't want to kill Alice but Zalgo wants her so we will do what we can." I whispered to the stuffed rabbit. I shoved it into my backpack and slowly shut my bedroom door.

"Aw Mas-I mean Violet is so cute." Seed chuckled. I can tell that he misses me.

"If I had arms I would hug you but all I can do is wish you luck." Bob smiled.

"Don't hurt her ok? I want to see her beautiful face." Thing smirked.

"Why would I hurt my sister?" I asked. I paused as realization hit me. I just called Alice my sister...I shouldn't do that.

"Haha you're too cute my little monstrosity, but do understand you better not let her become suspicious of the plan or I will kill you. Got it?" He glared at me.

"E Zalgo." I bowed to him and to the others and shut the front door behind me. I'm off to set My sis-No Alice up. I hope I wont fall under her spell or I will be destroyed no longer existing.


1.Translation: In Now

2.Translation: Sit

3. Translation: Ass

4. Translation: No

5. Translation: Meet Now

6. Translation: Welcome to our home

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