it's not a nightmare is it?

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I twisted my body trying to get comfortable but as soon as those warm claws touched me again, I was out like a light. Moments later I opened my eyes and saw myself in the garden again. But instead of Smexy, Rake's rotted body walked towards me. I stared at him with fear but something changed. A light flashed and the person who stood in front of me now was the gorgeous Rake I knew before the accident. He smiled down at me and knelt down in front of me. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me into a tight warm hug. It was so comforting.

"you'll never be the same you little abomination." He whispered in my ear. What did he say? I pulled back a yelled out an ear piercing shriek. He had red eyes and black goop coming out of his eye sockets. He began reaching for me and just as he was about to bite into my leg I was sitting back in the garden. I looked around in confusion. This time smile trotted up to me with Jeff walking beside him.

"Look Smile it's bloody Alice sitting all alone." He laughed.

"J-jeff....are you real?" I asked in a shaky tone.

"Shh it's all right smile will stop your pain." He cooed.

"wha-what?" I stuttered in exhaustion. Why am I tired. I looked at my surroundings. Why am I in the woods? Jeff closed in on me with smile walking beside him.

Jeff smirked, "Smile attack!" The dog lunged at me and I jumped back. He lunged again and I jumped back again. My back hit a tree and as smile was about to lung at me, I felt tentacles touch me. The tentacles snatched me away from smile and I hit a stern chest. I looked behind me and saw an angry Offenderman.

"DO NOT HURT HER JEFF!" His voice boomed.

Tears began to stream down my face and I cried, "Smexy I-"

"This is my kill." He stated angrily. I felt his tentacles tighten their grip on my arms. He snatched my arms off and I yelled out in pain. As I was about to fall over more tentacles grabbed on to me.


He shrieked, "YOU TOOK AWAY A LIFE AND TOOK AWAY MY ALICE! NOW YOU SHALL PAY!!!" He ripped my body in half and consumed me as I watched him take bite after bite. Smile and Jeff joined in on the feast of my body. Only thing left was my head. Offenderman threw it up into the air and hit it with a tree trunk and laughed as my head exploded and flew everywhere. It's just a nightmare calm down...just a nightmare just a nightmare.

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