The Sudden burst of Fury

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I jolted awake screeching my lungs off. When I tried to get up, I was tugged back down by my restraints. I tugged and tugged on them.

"FREE ME FREE ME!" I cried out in pain. "YOU BETTER HOPE I DONT GET FREE! I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!!I WILL DESTROY YOU! I'LL MAKE YOU ALL BURN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL AND MAKE SURE THEY SHIP YOU ON A FLAMING TRAIN OF NIGHTMARES ALL THE WAY TO THE UNDERWORLD FOR ETERNITY TO JOIN YOUR BASTARD OF A SLAVE!" Fury was now coursing through my veins and it felt good. I began tugging on the Restraints again and heard them bend. I laughed triumphantly as they almost broke. I yanked my arm and it broke off.

"YES!" I yelled. My right arm is free. I stared at the hole in my wrist from where he stuck the needle in it and shook it off. As I reached to release my other hand, my right hand began to burn. I looked at it and saw that my veins was still black and now it was bulging out of my wrist again. I could see his dark essence going through my veins. I forced myself to ignore the pain and reached for the Restraints on my left wrist. I tugged and tugged and finally got it to break. As I pulled my hand free, I saw that it was doing the same right here as well and it began to hurt a lot. The Metal scraped my wrist and the goop began to come out instead of blood. I screamed in pain as it burned my skin off. I threw myself back onto the table and began rolling around while holding my wrist trying to suppress the pain. Zalgo walked in the room with Violet walking behind him having a conversation about me. I screamed even louder and Violet jumped at the sight of me being free.

I looked at her and hissed at her while screaming, "IM GOING TO GET YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" I began yanking my legs toward my body and Zalgo was just watched in interest. I ended out breaking my ankles but didn't care. I wanted to destroy her for what she have brought me into. I finally broke the restraints around my broken ankles and cried out in more pain as the goop began coming out of my ankles. I pulled myself up and slid off of the table training my eyes on her. Violet began backing away from me as I began to crawl towards her.

"Um...aren't you going to put her to sleep or something?" She asked with fear in her voice.

"No my monstrosity, you have to ask her for forgiveness ." Zalgo stood back and watched. Violet pouted angrily and took a step towards me. She reached down for me and I grabbed her arm biting into it. She screamed out in pain.

I pulled away and hissed, "you killed my best friend! Tell me why!" I bit into her arm and took off a chunk of meat and chewed it up. "Tell me you bitch." She yelled out in pain and Zalgo laughed like a manic.


"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM!" I bite into her arm again.

"AH HE WAS IN THE WAY AND I TOLD HIM TOO MUCH!" She cried out in pain as I snatched off another chunk. She fell to the floor and clutched her arm and sobbed to herself.

I swallowed the pieces of her arm and the pain in my body stopped. I heard cracking and saw my ankles healing themselves and the cuts on my wrist began to close up. I stood up and looked around the room. Zalgo walked over to me and pulled my naked body against his burning body. Dark shadowy tentacles wisp around him and softly ran and glided down and across my body.

"Do you forgive our child?" The wisps whispered in my ears. The goop inside of me stirred and I nodded my head yes. They wisps continued, "good now I want you to heal her and be a good girl by following me to your new room." I nodded my head. I walked over to the sobbing Violet and pulled her arm towards my mouth. She flinched as I slid my tongue across her wounds. I looked down at my tongue as I licked her arm and saw that it was covered with the black goop. Why is that? I looked down at her arm and saw that it was properly healed now and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry i hurt you Violet, I wasn't being a good sister." I smiled.

"Mother." Zalgo corrected.

"Shut up." I hissed. I picked up Violet and walked out of the room into the living room. I sat down on the couch with her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. Three figures walked into the living room and froze and blushed at the sight of me being naked and being out of the room. I looked up at them and shrugged my shoulders. They threw them selves at me and bowed at my feet. "The hell?" I mumbled.

"Almighty Alice,my goddess I am Seed eater, this is Bob and that one right there is the thing, it's name is a lot longer but I'm not going into it, I would like to say that you look amazing and a lot like my ex master." The one known as Seed Eater explained.

"You took care of Violet?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am ." He answered.

"Than why is she here with Zalgo?" I asked.

"I owed him and when I couldn't pay him back, he took my master from me." He looked at Violet in an adoring way. I felt something burning in my shoulder and saw Zalgo's nails digging into it. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and grabbed Violet by her hair and tugged us to another room.

"Im not done fixing you!" Zalgo muttered angrily. I guess the torturing isn't done.

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