Doppel What?

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I bursted into the house with great force. Ben and Dark Link walked over towards me and watched me carefully.

"Hey Alice you-" Ben began to ask.

"Shut Up! Where's Slender?" I rushed out.

"In his Office why?" Dark asked.

"Thankyou!" I pushed past them both and rushed up the stairs. As I was walking down the hallway towards Slender's office, someone grabbed me and pulled me off into the dark corners of the mansion. Whoever it was covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream and pulled me against their chest. I struggled against them trying to make them let me go. The person bent down and chuckled in my ear.

"You shouldn't struggle hehe." He whispered into my ear. His breath tickled me and I ended up letting out a muffled giggle. He uncovered his hand from my mouth and turned me so I was looking at him. Of course it's LJ. I rolled my eyes and placed my hands onto my hips.

"What do you want LJ I have something important to do." I sighed with impatience.

"Ouch.. that kinda hurt hehe." Lj placed his hand over his heart.

"Answer the question." I growled.

"Ohh you're a feisty one my poison candy." He chuckled. " Lets cut to the chase, you and I need to go to the carnival together"

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because you tampered with my feelings and took my candy. So you owe me" He leaned down close to my face and tugged at a piece of my silver hair that was hanging in my face as he stared into my velvet eyes.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Great! I'll come pick you up later" He quickly pecked my lips and skipped down the hallway cheerfully. I rolled my eyes and made my way back towards Slender's office. Before opening the door I heard Slender talking to some one in a totally different language. Usually he would be talking in either English or Latin but this was different. He sounded angry and upset. I wonder who's he talking to. When I was sure he was done talking I slowly pushed open his office door. He was sitting at his desk with his hands on his face and his head down.

"Um...Slender?" I whispered.

His head popped up and he straightened his back. "Yes Child?"

"Um if you can't talk I can come back later." I began to walk away awkwardly but he stopped me.

"No! Stay!" Slender's Voice boomed and he quickly closed the door with one of his tentacles and I jumped. I looked at him with confusion and fear. "Oh I'm sorry child..I didn't mean to yell..please sit" He pulled a chair in front of his desk and I slowly walked over to him and sat down.

"Where's Mitsuki?" I asked. She's usually in his office staring at him dreamily.

"Oh she went to go cook me a snack. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Slender straightened his back and stared at me calmly with his hands on the desk.

"Oh..umm you remember how I went out killing earlier?" I calmly asked.

"Oh yes.. did you run into any trouble?" Slender had a hint of worry in his voice.

"Well kinda but it was because one of the houses kept bothering me." I paused and looked at his face.

"Continue I'm listening." Slender said calmly.

"I finally ended up going to the house and there was another Creepypasta there." I stopped talking...and finally finished. "And She looked like me...well at least a younger version."

"What!" Slender raised his voice.

"I saw a younger version of me while I was out killing." I said again.

"This is Bad Alice... you shouldn't have a Doppelganger. I mean it's rare these days but your barely a Creepypasta and you already have a Doppelganger ." Slender rushed out.

"What's so bad with having a Doppelganger?" I asked.

"Don't you understand? They Don't Belong.. They're Dangerous." Slender Rushed out.

"Wait hold on explain first....why are they dangerous?" I asked in confusion and frustration.

"Doppelgangers are very dangerous to us Creepypastas.. it's better to kill them now than later." He explained. "They either kill you and they replace the original or you kill them and become a little more powerful but not too powerful."

"And If we don't kill each other? What if we just get along?" I asked.

"If you make a connection with your doppelganger, than you become one...but stay separate. But here's the bad part...if they die." He said coldly.

"Isn't there another way.. I really don't want to kill anyone who looks like me." I asked shakily.

"Well I really don't know.. this hasn't happened in over 100 years but it is said that if your doppelganger allows you to take their strength and power than you wouldn't have to kill them, and if one dies the other wont die." Slender explained

"Well than why cant we just try to get her to accept me like you just said?" I asked.

"It doesn't work like that child..what I said was only a myth." He said calmly.

"But we all know myths used to be real until they stopped thing you know Pandas will be myths!" I rushed out in frustration. She seemed too innocent.

"Child you don't understand th-"

"No! You don't Understand! I cant kill her! Killing her would be like killing would be like killing that one family member you never knew...don't you understand?" I asked with tears brimming at the rim of my eyelids.

"Alice...It's too dangerous.. we cant lose you, you're too important to us." He said calmly and he reached out to touch me. I slapped his hand away from me.

"What about her?..what if she has a family like I do? How would me killing her make their lives any better? What if they come after me and kill me as well?" I asked softly.

"I don't know Alice ok? Lets just leave it alone and come back to the subject later ok?" Slender used his tentacles to pick me up and sat me down on his lap in a ball while rubbing my back.

"You...don't...hug this often...What's going on with you?" I asked him.

"Nothing.. I feel like this is about the right time to hug you." He said calmly. He's lying..imma find out what he's hiding.

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