Kill him

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This is strange. How does Rake know Violet? This is something to truly look into.

"um...Rake? How do you know Violet?" I asked cautiously.

"Well before I came here I used to see her-"

"In the human world all the time seeing what's it like to live like them and doing a few killing." Violet interrupted.

"What? That's not-"

"How you remember it, I know because I would pretend that I couldn't see you and I'm sorry for ignoring you." She explained. Rake tilted his head in confusion. "Cmon let's play catch up " She grabbed Rake by the hand and tugged him into the backyard. They all shifted their gaze from her to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't you believe that it's a tiny bit strange that she knows Rake?" Claude asked.

"Don't point it out." I stated while picking up her things and going to my room with Claude following behind.

*Violets POV*

I tugged Rake deep into the garden and when I was happy with the distance I pointed for Rake to sit on the bench.

"Are you here to take me back to Zalgo so he can have my head?" Rake let out a sigh.

"No no I-"

"Are you here to kill Alice?" Rake interrupted.

"What no I-"

"Well you probably here to take her away." His voice trailed off and he looked at me with a sad expression.

"How do you-"

"Know? Well its simple if your not here for me than your here for her and we both know that she's valuable." He stated.

"You're right I am here for her." I stated

"Are you going to take her to Zalgo?" Rake asked slowly.

"Yes" I dropped my head and stared down at my lap.

"Why does he want her now?" Rake asked calmly. Why is he being so calm with this?

"He wants to use her to take over both worlds and get revenge for what you guys did to Shadow man." My voice trailed off as I realized I was saying too much.

"I always adored you Violet but I can't allow this to happen." Rake stood up and made his way to the exit of the garden.

"They won't believe you!" I called after him.

" They probably won't believe my words but they will believe this." Rake smirked.

"Where did that come from?" I gasped as I stared at the recorder in his hand.

"I'm always caring one so good luck with trying to make them believe you." Rake smiled and began to walk away.

"If you do this, Zalgo will come and get you and no one will be able to protect you." I have to make him stop, I can't let him give my plan away.

He turned around and smiled at me, "She a friend that I'll die for. I would rather Zalgo take my head than allowing him to get his hands on Alice. I care for her so I'll take chances" Rake turned away from me and was now almost out of the garden . I can't allow this to happen! An evil thought popped up in my head but I'll have to act fast. I quickly grabbed a stone closes to me that had quiet a weight to it and aimed. I flung the stone and it perfectly hit him on the back of his head and he plummeted to the ground. I laughed as he groaned in pain.

"You still wanna die for her?" I laughed as I picked up the stone and stood over him. I didn't give him time for him to answer. I began slamming the stone into his head laughing at every blood splatter, the splashing of the stone hitting tissue and the cracking of his skull. I laughed louder and louder but not too loud. I repeated over and over again, "DIE HAHA DIE HAHA DIE!" It was such a rush and so much fun that now there was a hole that was as big as the stone.

"Oh no, I killed rake....I'm sorry but oh well." I laughed. I pulled off my sweater and wrapped it around his head. I lifted his head up and licked up the blood that splattered every. A meal is a meal. I sighed happily and dragged him away. I must get this done quickly. I dragged him to the river that was just a few miles away from the mansion. I pulled my sweater off of his head and rolled him into the river. I have to make to this look worth while. I jumped in the river with My clothes on and allowed the blood to run out of it. I shivered as I stepped out of the cold river. I dug my nails in my body and began making bear claw marks and did the same on my clothes. I began pinching my ear to help me cry and headed back to the mansion. I hope this work.

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