The Date

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*Back To Alice*

Mitsuki walked into the room and tilted her head to the side. I looked at her and just laid my head back down.

"Is she Ok?" Mitsuki walked over to his desk and sat the tray she was holding down.

"Yea, she's fine." Slender rubbed the back of my head tenderly.

"Oh...well I brought you your snack." Mitsuki smiled.

"Oh thankyou." Slender reached around me and put a cookie where is mouth should be and it disappeared. Just as he was about to put another into his mouth I grabbed the cookie and put it into my mouth. Slender chuckled to himself.

"Oh Alice Laughing Jack is looking for you." Mitsuki said.

"I know..we already talked." I said after swallowing the remains of the cookie.

"Oh well what did he want?" She asked.

"Nothing..important, but thanks for reminding me I need to go change." I slid off of Slender's lap and made my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Mitsuki asked me as she sat down onto Slender's lap.

"I got a Date." I chirped happily and skipped out of his office towards my bed room.


I stared at my self in the mirror. I admirably stared at the outfit. I chose to wear for my date. I adjusted the necklace and gloves I was wearing and smiled at myself in the mirror.

"I look great" I smirked. I shoved my scissors into my back pocket and fixed my hair up a bit before walking out of my room. I never thought that I would be trying to look my best for someone...haha im full of myself were just going to the I believe I should look a bit normal. Lj came walking around the corner and stopped walking in mid track.

"You look hot heehee" He blushed.

"Why thank you." I smirked. As I started to walk towards him, Claude stepped out in front of me out of no where.

"You think you can date my sister?" Claude glared down at LJ.

"Sister?" LJ looked around him at me.

"Long story short, I killed my family, Slender adopted me, sally took my brothers soul, put it into a stuffed rabbit's body and than he can transform into that." I quickly explained.

"Ah..makes sense. Heehee" LJ giggled to himself.

"Im not letting you leave with him." Claude stated.

"Oh but you'll let EJ And Offender harass me for months but not let me go out with him? You're a reallll cool guardian and brother." I rolled my eyes.

"I know right?" Claude chuckled.

"Lets make a deal Claude... If I allow you to come with, will you give me the right to actually enjoy myself?" I asked him.

"That's fine with me." He smiled and pushed me forward towards LJ. "I'll be following and watching."

"Yea yea whatever." I held onto LJ's hand as Claude followed close by behind us and left the Mansion. I popped my necklace with the key off of my neck and clutched onto it like a dagger and swiftly brought it down cutting into the air. I put the necklace back around my neck and waited as the portal opened up in front of us. When the portal opened LJ held his breath and stepped through the portal first. Claude and I did the same and I stepped through the portal after him. As I came out on the other side, I fell through the hole and LJ caught me just in time. I looked at his face and he looked completely human. I stared at him with awe because he was the sexiest thing I ever seen. As Claude came down through the portal he almost fell on top of us but LJ stepped out of the way just in time. I stared at Claude as he dusted himself off.

Life With The Slender Brothers: We're all ConnectedWhere stories live. Discover now