It's a lie

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*Offenders POV*

I sat up in Alice's bed and stretched. I felt arms around my waits and looked down to see Alice holding onto me tightly. I chuckled to myself as she nuzzled her face against me. She opened her eyes and stared up at me.

"Good morning my beautiful rose." I smiled.

"Shut up it's too early for this." She mumbled.

"I dont get no hey smexy , or thanks for the amazing night smexy?" I said with astonishment .

"Hey smexy . ..thanks for the amazing night smexy." She repeated in a sweet tone. "Now get out of my room and go gather some people to find my best friend." She pulled back her legs as if she was about to kick me and I quickly stood up.

"Ok ok chill." I held up my hands and backed away. She blushed as she stared at my member. I looked down at it and saw it slightly tilting up. I shook my heard quickly and pulled my boxers on.

"Nope Nope Nope! You already had your helping so no more for now." I continued to pull my clothes on. I quickly kicked on my shoes and ran out of her room. I heard a shuffling noise and looked down the hallway to see Violet walking towards me.

"hey lover boy you finally got what you wanted." Violet chuckled.

"yes but this one I'm keeping. I waited too long for her and I'm never letting her go." I said proudly.

"oh well have fun." She pushed passed me and opened Alice's room door and looked back at me. "By the way...your fly is down." She chuckled to herself and closed the room door I looked down at my pants to see that she was telling the truth and I quickly pulled the zipper up. I sighed and made my way to Slender's office. I pushed open his door to see him and Mitsuki arguing.

"Um." I awkwardly mumbled. They both shot their eyes in my direction.

"What!" They yelled in unison .

"You already know About Rake?" I asked

"Yes" he sighed.

"Um, may I ask why your arguing?" I asked.

"Well this know it all is judging Alice's choice about bringing her doppelganger here and wants to send me off some where." Mitsuki grunted.

"Well I want you safe!" Slender yelled.

" I think you should listen Mitsuki." I suggested. She glared at me and saw how serious I was and nodded her head.

"She's safe with you at least so I'll go." She sighed, snatched up the prepacked bag and walked out grabbing the map as she left his office.

"How do you do it " slender asked.

"I understand women remember , any way I'm going to gather a search party are you coming?" I asked.

"I dont know i-"

" please Slendy, we need all the people we can get." I pleaded.

"Ok..but what about Alice ? " Slender asked.

"I distracted her enough for her not to worry." I smirked.

"I probably won't need to ask how. So we will need everyone in the mansion and would need smile especially." Slender ordered.

"Ok" I nodded my head. Slender and I walked down the stairs to see everyone waiting. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we saw Sally holding a lock of Rake's hair. Jeff walked in the room with smile trotting happily behind him. I guess we didn't have to get them to gather around.

"Ok here's the deal, we all are looking for Rake because he is family. I know we had a messed up pass with him but now we must put that behind us for Alice's sake and for my brothers as well so let's go find our missing family member." Slender ordered. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and headed out the door. Sally climbed onto Smile's back and put the hair into his face for him to smell it. With a loud bark, Smile was off. We each split up. Slender, Jeff and I followed Smile and Sally while the rest went in other directions. We ran as fast as we could to keep up with Smile and Sally. We seemed to ended up running about 15 miles. We heard Sally let out a ear piercing shriek and trying to hold back tears. We ran even faster and froze completely.

"Oh Shit!" Jeff gasped.

"Mother of god." Slender gaped.

"This isn't good." I choked back on a little throwup. There sitting on the shore of the river was Rake's lifeless body. His head was caved in and he was beginning to rot. Sally let out sobs and began to throwup.

"This doesn't make make sense." Jeff muttered.

"I agree" I said. Slender walked over to Sally and began comforting her.

"We Were fooled, he was murdered by that good for nothing scum." Slender growled.

"If Violet did this than...OH NO ALICE!" I yelled and began running back to the mansion. They ran after me and the rest of the search group joined. Please please please be there. I ran straight into the front door and the doors flung off of the hinges. I ran straight up the stares and towards her room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I got really frustrated and used my tentacles to rip her room door off of the hinges. The window was wide open. Fear shot threw my body and I fell to my knees. I began to shriek and I swear the whole house shook. I mouth grew wider and my tentacles flung around me wildly and I began to trash her room.

"WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN MY ROSE YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I shrieked. Bring her back please. I need her.

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