It was all worth it.

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As we walked back to the mansion, they kept shooting glances towards me.

I ignored the looks I was getting and broke the silence, "so when are we having a funeral for Rake?" I asked.

"We don't have funerals." Ej mumbled.

"What! Why?" I asked.

"Because the soul of a Creepypasta lingers until it's reborn as a human." Slenderman explained.

"So that probably means that I used to be a Creepypasta?" I asked.

"Most likely yes." Slenderman answered.

"And the human forms you use in the real world is the way you will look if your creepypasta body was destroyed?" I asked.

"indeed." He chuckled.

"wow a never-ending cycle." I said in astonishment.

"yep, but I'll die over and over again until I find you." Offenderman smirked.

"I wont." I joked.

As we walked up the front steps and opened the front door I was scared yet again. There on the floor in front of us all was Trenderman and Splendorman making out with each other.

" C'mon you guys you have rooms for this." Ej gaged.

Offenderman pulled me against his chest and covered my eyes, " you just messed up my future wife's mind..maybe I should fix that later." He smirked. I twitched and punch him in his gut. I pulled off his trench coat and threw it at him as he doubled over in pain. Splend and Trend stared at me.

" um why is she?" Trend asked.

"Because while you guys were on you two were being fuck the explore! I had the worst time of my life...except for a couple of moments." I motioned towards Offenderman.

" we weren't having that much sex." Trenderman blushed.

" heehee yes we were." Splendorman chuckled. Claude began hacking and ran out of the house . Offenderman wrapped his trench coat around me like a cocoon and picked me up.

" Excuse us we have some catching up to do" Offenderman chuckled.

"WHAT NO SMEXY I DONT WANT TO PLAY!" I yelled. He just chuckled to himself and carried upstairs to his room. "Oh you will have to start sleeping in my room because I kinda trashed yours." He chuckled.

"If I wasn't tied up and didn't love you I would destroy you." I hissed. It was all worth it. The adventure was fun. I made great memories. "Great." Now I gave something to look forward too. My best friend coming back as a human and the rebirth of my doppelganger, Baby Violet. But who cares dreams are begging to come true in 3....2.....1....

Life With The Slender Brothers: We're all ConnectedWhere stories live. Discover now