Baby Violet's Side

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*Violet's POV*

After that girl..what's her name? Alice left. I wrote on the Wall in my sweet victim's blood, "Mommy's little Monster". I smiled happily at my great work. A sudden wave of worry hit me. There's something off about her.. I mean beside her looking like me... well older version she produced an odd aura...Oh well I better head back home.


I walked into the large dark mansion and stood in the doorway of the dark livingroom and watched as Zalgo, The 'man' of the House spoke Sesotho1.. Since I just got here I only heard him say, "Re tla u le lelapa la hao Slenderman ... o molemo tsepo ea ha ke u fumana"2. and he hung up.

"Welcome home my Monstrosity." He crushed the phone and threw it into the wall as he walked over towards me.

"I appreciate the welcoming, would you like to hear about my afternoon?" I asked.

"Im interested, what souls have you taken today?" He grinned.

"One delicious homemade virgin woman who is a sucker for kids who are lost. She was so monate 3." I smiled happily

"Anything else?" He grinned.

"No..I was about to go get me another feast but some bitch stirred up some shit in the neighborhood I was in and I never got a chance to make another stop." I rolled my eyes.

"A Hoe4.?" Zalgo tilted his head to the side. "Do explain."

"When I was sure that my prey was asleep, I got out of that treacherous bed she had put me in and slowly made my way to her room. I heard her scream and not for me to hurt her and I got confused. When I got to her room I saw a girl that looked about 18 or 19 attacking My Prey. I didn't see her face until I yelled at her to get away from my food. She looked at me with an confused expression when I told her that the woman was my feast and she asked who I was. Of course I told her who I was and she told me her name was Booty Alec? No Bloody Alice and-"

"Bloody Alice!" Zalgo yelled in happiness

" heard of the Bitch before?" I asked in confusion.

"Of Course! She's the One who sent Shadow Man to the La Bafu..the Underworld" Zalgo grinned an Evil grin. "Tell me more."

"Well here's the weird part she gasped when she saw me and said that I looked like a younger version of her... isn't that weird?" I asked.

"You're A doppelganger of her and that's so rare...this give me great Idea." Zalgo rubbed his hands together.

"Idea? Do tell." I smiled.

"u tla bolaea hae5." Zalgo smirked.

"Kill her..why?" I asked.

"Because if you kill her..than you gain e khōlō Power6." Zalgo smiled devilishly. A rush of Anger suddenly risen inside of me. And I slapped him hard across his face. His eyes flashed and he hit me to the floor really hard. "Remember Your Place!" His voice boomed.

"I'm sorry!" I rubbed my cheek. "I don't know what has gotten into me.. I just suddenly felt angry and the sudden need to slap someone but I don't know why." My head dropped down.

"Oh Baby little Monstrosity. I'm so sorry, I thought you didn't like my idea. I see that you are already connected to her but she isn't connected to you...yet." Zalgo rubbed my cheek tenderly and than dug his nails into my face. " This will be a minor set back but I want you to bring her to me ok?"

"e7. Zalgo"

"Good, would you like to know why I want her?" Zalgo asked me.


'So I can lure Slender and his Proxies to me so I can destroy them all while you destroy your Doppelganger and gain full power over her. Right now Little Alice is the most powerful Creepypasta and she doesn't even realize it but once You kill her, we both will control the Creepypasta Dimension and Than the Human World." Zalgo Laughed Evilly.

"Didn't Shadow Man try that Zalgo?" I asked.

"No no my Monstrosity. Shadow Man Tried to take over her but was stupid enough to step out of her body in human form and she ended up wishing to send him to the Underworld for eternity. But you are right he did try to take over both worlds but as you plan is full proof." Zalgo smirked.

"E is a full proof plan."

"Good.. im glad that you agree so go find her my little Monstrosity." Zalgo pushed me out of the Mansion and I headed out into the Creepypasta world in search of Her.


1. Sesotho is spoken in South Africa

2.Translation: We will get you and your family better hope I don't find you.

3. Translation: Delicious

4. Translation: Bitch

5. Translation: you will kill her

6. Translation: Great Power

7. Translation: Yes

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