that vision was....interesting?

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The guys have caught up with us and Violet watched me as I kept glancing back at Offender.

"You should just do it now." Violet whispered.

"No I don't want everything to be awkward." I whispered back to her.

"Ok well, once im settled in the mansion get him alone and boom you have your chance." Violet whispered.

"Why am I taking advice from an 8 year old?" I asked.

"Because we're like sisters" She chuckled.

"You have a point there." I stated. I held onto her hand as we stepped up the front porch. I opened the door and slowly trudged in. "I'm home." I called out.

"Oh that's good to know-" Slender stopped in mid sentence when he saw Violet and I holding hands. He looked at me and back to her. "Why is she here?" I could tell that he was trying to stay calm.

"Well...I wanted-"

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!" His voice was so loud that it barley ruptured my ear drums.

"First OW! Second, let me explain first before you start lecturing me." I said rubbing my temples.

"You must kill her now!" He yelled.

"No." I stated.


"IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT!" I screeched.

"What do you mean it's too late?" He asked.

"It's too late to kill her... r already connected." I stated.

"WHAT HOW!WHEN!" His voice boomed. I turned around to see the guys standing on the front porch just watching. I rolled my eyes at them and looked back at Slenderman.

"It happened when I first met her, I couldn't control it, it just naturally happened so now she and I are connected." I stated.

"I don't believe you." He said with his voice sounding different. He suddenly jumped at us and extended his tentacles reaching for Violet. I quickly snatched my scissors out of my back pocket and cut off the tentacles that almost touched her. He yelled and anger and suddenly the ones I cut off regenerated and was now coming at me. I stared at him with disbelief and hurt. Suddenly Offenderman was standing in front of me smiling. He leaned forward and kissed me. Everything faded, I was sitting in the garden and Offenderman walked up to me.

"hey, what are you thinking about?" He softly asked.

"nothing really." I replied.

"are you ok?" He asked. "you look pale."

"Yes im fine Smexy." I slowly said. He sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap.

"So you cant age any more but tomorrow you will mentally be 118 does that feel?" he chuckled.

"Sounds old." I stated.

"But that's young in my eyes" He whispered into my ear.

"Ha ha your very old are you than?" I asked.

"220" He stated.

"See that's old" I giggled.

"Well if you think im getting too old for you....would you marry me?" He asked. I looked back at him and saw that he was holding a Engagement Ring that was shaped like a rose. I suddenly was crying and they were tears of joy. Just as I was about to answer him the vision slowly faded. Offenderman pulled away from me and smirked. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, black ooze came out of his mouth. I looked down and finally realized why it came out, Slender's tentacles was sticking through his chest. I gasp with horror. When Slender finally realized what he has done he quickly snatched his tentacles out of Offender's body. Offenderman straightened his back and laughed.

"I love that, now I know for sure how our future is." He chuckled. I continued to stare at him. "Don't worry, this isn't anything. Slendy here tried to kill me so many times when I was younger that it stopped working." He chuckled. I just nodded my head. "But I'm pretty sure you were pregnant with my child." He smirked. I blushed and punched him hard on his wounds.

"That's not funny!" I yelled.

"yes it is, that makes me happy to know that I have a chance with the Almighty Bloody Alice." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"So will you heal?" I asked with a serious tone.

"Yes, look im already healing." He smiled. I watched as his wounds quickly healed. I sighed and looked at the horrified Slenderman. I walked over to him and brought him into a hug burying my face into his chest.

"It wasn't your fault, you was just trying to protect me and when I cut your tentacles, you got confused with who was who." I said while rubbing his back.

"Im so sorry Alice, I could have killed you." He sniffed.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" I asked. "I am Alice Marie Night, Aka Bloody Alice. Im the most powerful Creepypasta that lives to this day! Nothing can hurt me!" I yelled triumphantly.

"I can hurt you in the bed." Offenderman sadistically said. I clutched onto my scissors, swiftly turned around and threw them straight into his chest. He stumbled back a bit and tripped over the carpet busting his ass. The rest of the guys who were now watching laughed their butts off at him.

"Anywayy...I trust her and if you trust me than you will give me a chance." I calmly said.

"Ok I trust you child." He softly said.

"I love you Slendy." I whispered.

"I love you too Alice." He gently said.

"Um sweety..can you please get your scissors out of me?" Offenderman asked. "My body wont heal correctly if they're still there."

"Whatever you say...Smexy" I smirked. I walked over to him and ripped my scissors from his chest. I laughed as he yelped in pain. I could here Violet giggling like a maniac.

"Alice are you back home?" I heard Rake's voice form up stairs.

"Yes Rake!" I called.

"Oh that's great I wanna show you something." Rake came jogging down the hallway and stopped at the top of the stairs. "What are you Doing here Violet?" He knows Violet?



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