She doesn't deserve this

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Zalgo strapped Violet and I side by side in chairs. I looked up and saw a metal helmet over my head.

"Is this the electric chair?" I asked with a little bit of fear rising inside of me. I looked over at Violet and she stared at me in fear.

"No it's not, this machine is used to make you your own person so there will be no such thing as being a doppelganger between you two, it will just seem like you two look a like." Zalgo explained. Zalgo walked over to Violet and tore off her clothes. She whimpered at the sound of her clothes ripping. He walked away and came back with two buckets. He did this until there was 8 buckets, 6 with something in it and 2 empty buckets. He put one empty bucket in front of me and put my legs inside it and he did the same to Violet. He grabbed a bucket and threw the liquid inside of it on us.

I coughed, "what is this?"

"olive oil" Zalgo stated. He did the same with the other buckets which was filled with his black essence and purple essence. I felt so sticky and dirty with this covering my body. He walked over to Violet first and cut the bottom of her feet open. She cried out in pain. Zalgo held her feet over the bucket and waited for it to fill up half way. He grabbed a towel and put it under her feet as he removed the bucket and threw her blood onto me. He did the same with me but it hurt a lot worst because his essence was still running throughout my whole body. When he threw my blood on Violet , I could see the mixture of his essence inside of it. Zalgo strapped the helmets on us both and walked over to the control panel. He automatically turned it to as high as it could go. Violet and I screamed in pain. I watched as tears streamed down her face. Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head and spit began coming out of her mouth. Is it just me or is this barley affecting me. I looked at myself and didn't even see myself twitch once. I looked over at Violet and winced as her scream popped my ears. She was going into shock. Why aren't I?

"it's because you body already know this pain. This is one of the best parts of you being the most powerful cp. You see I would have used Violet but she isn't you she's just your copy." Zalgo laughed.

"She doesn't deserve this!" I was oddly able to talk clearly.

"Oh yes she does, we have to separate your connection to make this work so that's what's happening now. See the one who created the connection feels the pain but this will be over soon."

"stop this please." I pleaded.

"Almost done." He mumbled.

"I SAID STOP THIS NOW!" I screeched trying to break my restraints.

"Calm down." He muttered. In about 5 more minutes of me trying to break my restraints, he finally turned off the machine. I looked over at Violet and saw her passed out. He popped off my restraints I quickly jumped up and rushed over to Violet trying to pop off her restraints. When I finally got them off, I pulled her out of the chair and held her against my chest.

"Im sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed. Zalgo snatched us both by our hair and dragged us to another room with me kicking and screaming at him. I made eye contact with Seed just before he threw us in a dark, cold empty room and mouthed to him, "Find my family." I think he nodded his head but I never got a chance to see. I crawled over to Violet and pulled her into my arms. I scooted to the darkest corner of the room and rocked her back and forth in my arms.

"I forgive you. I love you baby Violet." I whispered in her ear as we both rocked back and forth in a sticky mess.

Life With The Slender Brothers: We're all ConnectedWhere stories live. Discover now