What are you doing here?

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*Violet's POV*

I followed behind Alice and the two guys she was with making sure she never left my sight. This will be a slight delay but Zalgo will be fine. Two more guys came up behind them and began to talk to them. The two guys that was already with her looked unhappy to see them while Alice looked a bit confused. I guess she knows them because a sudden hit of realization came upon her face and she began to smile. That smile is so putrid and yet so relaxing. After them arguing for a bit the guy in a red jacket snatched her up and dragged her away while the others followed behind. She looked back at the guys behind her. I guess she felt my stares because she stopped walking and froze completely. I truly hope that she cant feel me here. The guy wearing a black fedora with a rose in it and silver hair as well pulled her close against his chest and whispered something into her ear. They began getting into a long conversation about something. I had no idea what it was about because of how far away I was from her. I felt a sudden wisp of worry come off of her and than it changed to a calm aura. She than hugged the boy with Brown hair and kissed him on the cheek. She laughed...god that laugh is so calming...everything about her is calming. I don't think I can take her to Zalgo..I don't understand even if she sent Shadow man to the Underworld I see nothing wrong with what she done because she clearly didn't want him to use her as a host. She doesn't deserve this.

"What are you doing my little monstrosity follow with the plan or you will be punished when you return home." Zalgo's voice rang throughout my head.

"E Zalgo." I mumbled. I looked around and they were gone. I ran forward a couple of yards and saw that they were getting onto the Ferris Wheel. "DAMNIT!" I stomped my foot on the ground. A police officer tapped me on the shoulder and I snapped my head around to look at him.

"Where is your mommy little girl?" The Police Officer asked me.

"Get Out of my face!" I hissed at him.

"Well that's not nice. C'mon lets go find your mommy." He smiled at me sweetly and reached out to grab my arm. I kicked him in his leg and took off running screaming "Rapist Rapist!"

*Back To Alice's POV*

As we rose slightly higher into the sky I stared at my surroundings in Awe. I looked down at LJ and Offender who was under us and laughed at them.

"You Mad Boys!" I called.

"No My beauty I could never be mad at you." Offender Smiled up at me.

"Im just upset that you left me alone with him when this was supposed to be our date." LJ yelled.

"Well im sorry Love but you brought this upon yourself by not telling me about this sooner." I yelled down to him.

"Well I didn't want you to worry my poison candy hehe" LJ chuckled to himself. As I was about to answer him, I heard a little girl screaming. I looked down and saw my doppelganger Violet Screaming Rapist as a Police officer chased after her. I don't know why she's here but she seemed to be in distress and I did what my instincts told me. I jumped out of the Ferris Wheel before Claude could stop me and landed gracefully onto the ground below. Many people jumped out of the way and others stared at me and than from where I jumped and back down at me. I smiled at them and took off running after Violet. Violet stood in a corner as the Police officer took slow steps closer to her.

He said, "Now now please don't run any more I'm just trying to help you."

"Oh there you are!" I yelled and jogged past the police officer and pulled Violet into my arms. "I was looking for you. Where did you run off to?"

"Do you know her?" The police officer asked.

"Yes she's my little sister." I turned and looked down at Violet. "I go to get you some Ice cream for one minute and turn around to see you gone. Where were you?" I asked.

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