I'll help you!

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*Seed's POV*

I watched as Zalgo dragged Alice kicking and screaming and my dear sweet helpless master...I'm sorry. He dragged them both to his keep safe room. I locked eyes with Alice and she stared at me. She mouth to me, "Find my family." I nodded my head just as Zalgo threw the girls into the room. He slammed the door shut and walked to the room he just came out of and slammed it shut behind him. I rushed back over to my colleges and rushed them over to me so we could talk in secretly.

"What is it?" Bob asked.

"Do any of you guys think it's wrong on how he's treating our goddess?" I asked.

Thing nodded it's head in agreement.

"What about you Bob?" I asked.

"yes I agree but what are we supposed to do about it? Zalgo will have our heads if we betray him." Bob sounded worried.

"Not we...I" I said.

"what are you talking about? Bob asked. Thing made a little squeaking noise in asking the same question.

"listen closely you guys. Alice asked me to find her family and I don't want to bring you guys down with me so I will tell Zalgo I'm going home for the day when I'm actually going to find her family." I explained.

"ok be careful." Bob said and thing squealed with concern. I walked away from them and knocked on the door of the room Zalgo was in.

"What is it?" His voice boomed.

"Im going home for the day, I'll be back tomorrow ok?' I asked.

"I dont care." Zalgo sighed. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. As I passed the living room I gave the others a thumbs up and waved goodbye. They each mouthed good luck and I nodded my head. This is for Violet and Alice. I mustn't fail them. I walked out of the house and teleported of the other side of the force field that surrounded Zalgo's home so he will know that I actually left. I had to try to remember where Alice lived. Wait Rake knows...but Rake is dead isn't he? Violet killed him because of Zalgo. I'll never figure this out. Just as that thought popped up, a grey blurry silhouette appeared. I squinted my eyes and saw it taunting me towards it. When I got closer it disappeared . It appeared again and I followed it. This little game went on for about 15 miles. I looked ahead and saw a mansion. Is this it? The figure popped up in front of me and smiled as I gasped in astonishment.

"Ra-rake?" I gasped.

"thank you for going through with Alice's wish." Rake voice hummed throughout the air.

"Its no problem." I smiled.

"Good luck Seed, I hope you earn success." Rake said and he disappeared. I took a deep breath and made my way to the front door. I knocked on it slowly hopping that no one is home. The front door open and a man with no face wearing a suit opened the door. This must be Slenderman.

"Yes? May I help you." He asked.

"Um...yes. I have information regarding your missing person issue." I nervously said.

"You already seen the flyers?" He asked.

"yes sir and I also seen the girl and know who has taken her." I answered. He looked around and motioned for me to quickly come in.

He slammed the door shut and looked at me. "What do you know about our missing Alice?"

"She went missing a couple days ago and the person you believe took her is called baby Violet but Violet was forced to do so, the true kidnapper is Zalgo. Alice and Violet both are at his mansion right now being tested." I explained.

"Why should I believe you? Why shouldn't I believe this is a trap and your not just a slave to Zalgo?" Slenderman asked.

"I admit I have associated with Zalgo before but this time it's different. Alice asked me herself to help her and she told me to find you. I couldn't find your mansion but I had a little help from Rake's spirit." I explained.

"This isn't a joke go back home." Slenderman began pushing me towards the door and I dug my feet into the wood boards.

"you have to believe me she needs your help!" I yelled.

"What's going on Slen?" A smooth but tired voice asked.

"Go back to bed Offenderman, you know you're in no condition for this." Slenderman calmly said. I saw this as a chance. I knocked Slenderman down and ran up to the one know as Offenderman and sniffed him.

"you smell like her...are you her mate?" I asked him.

"um..who is this?" He asked.

"He was just leaving." Slenderman calmly said.

"He won't listen to me but I believe you would since you're her mate. I know where your matr is and she has asked of me to find her family. But we must hurry." I explained.

"You mean Alice? You know where she is?" I could see that he was getting excited.

"Yes mate of Alice." I stated.

"Slen! Why don't you believe this guy?" He asked.

Before he could answer I said, "Because I said that she was with Zalgo." I stated.

"Violet works for Zalgo?" Offenderman asked.

"No, my exmaster doesn't, she was forced into doing this." I said. "If you want proof I can show you."

"You have proof?" Offenderman asked.

"yes I will show you." I opened my mouth wide and showed them both all that happened and up until now. I closed my mouth when they have seen enough.

"You seen my rose naked?" Offenderman asked angrily.

"Was that Zalgo's essence on them?" Slenderman asked.

"Yes now let's hurry." I said.

"Ej and I are coming too." A guy in black hair said as he held a scythe in his hand with a boy in a blue masked standing beside him.

"Alright Claude and EJ let's go, Offenderman be careful to not lose your self completely" Slenderman warned.

"All I want to do is get Alice back." He sighed. They said nothing and I just lead the way back to Zalgo's mansion. This is it Alice, your rescue team is here. Hang in there.

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