Take chances

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* Back to Alice's POV*

Offenderman kept crowding me as we walked back to the operator circle.

" Give her some space." EJ complained.

"I don't see her complaining." Offender smirked. LJ glared at Offenderman and pulled me towards him.

"Let her walk by herself" Claude commanded.

"Do you even want to stand by me?" LJ gave me an upset expression.

"I do but that opportunity was already messed up when my brother and the rest of the guys joined our date." I looked up at him.

"Well will you allow me to fix that?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled. Suddenly I was lifted off of my feet and saw LJ caring me bridal style. He began to run thru the forest away from them all towards the operator circle. I heard Offender growl and he ran after us. The rest of the guys followed behind. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I want us to be the first to the house so we can have some alone time." LJ chuckled. I nodded my head as he continued to run. The portal opened in front of us and he jumped through it. He began running again but didn't get far because he tripped over something smashing me under him.

"Oww!" I moaned.

"I'm sorry." LJ quickly apologized and got off of me.

"God that wasn't cool at all watch where you are going!" A girl groaned. I looked up to see Violet sitting on the ground rubbing her head.

"Oh Violet are you ok?" I quickly sat up and brought her into my arms. I felt her body tense up in surprise. She hesitated before hugging me back but she finally made up her mind to do so. I pulled back and observed her. A wide smile grew on my face.

"What?" she asked.

"Your so cute you remind me of when I was 8." I chuckled.

"I am 8." She stated.

"So unbelievable." I stared at her with my eyes wide.

"Yep." She said. I helped her up and smiled down at her happily. I heard a whooshing sound in the portal and saw Offenderman coming through the portal and he tackled LJ. He began banging his head against the grass and soon it became a nasty fight. Violet and I stared at them with wide eyes.

"Stay here for a sec." I sighed. I walked over to the fight that was getting much worst. I truly regret doing this but I think I will be fine after saying this. I gulped and said in a seductive tone, "Smexy~". Offenderman stopped punching LJ and quickly turned his head towards me. I beckoned him with my finger to come to me. It was like he was under my spell and I liked it. He slowly got up off of LJ and trudged over towards me. The rest of the guys came through the portal and stared at the sight. As Offender got closer to me, I could see the longing on his facial expression. All of the guys slowly turned back to their normal selves as Offender brought me into his arms. I hugged him and rubbed his back to calm him down. Something about being in his arms was so comforting...wait why isn't my tongue burning? Did the spell wear off? I slowly felt Offender's body leaning over and my face quickly flushed up and my vision became clouded. As I was about to push him away, his lips have already crashed into mine. I slowly melted into the kiss. I wanted to push him away but my body wouldn't allow me to do so. Why wont my body move...why wont it push him away? I felt arms touch me and saw that Violet was pulling me away from him while the others pulled Offender away as well. My vision cleared and looked around. I looked over at LJ and quickly rushed over towards him.

"What...the..hell...was...that?" LJ coughed in between words.

"I don't really know. But we need to get you back to the house so EJ can treat you." I said as I lifted him up.

"No No I'm fine." He said and pushed me away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a green and red swirly piece of candy and popped it into his mouth. His cuts and bruises slowly healed and he dusted himself off.

"I need those." I heard EJ Mumble.

"Um well, this all was totally awkward..I want to go ahead and take Violet to the house and um..yea." I paused to stare at them for a second longer and than quickly rushed over to Violet, grabbed her hand and tugged her to the house.

"Wait Alice I don't know what came over me let me explain." Offender shook the guys off of him and began to walk after me.

"And I don't know what came over me, I don't want to talk about this now I just want to take Violet back to the house." I blushed as I stared at him. I turned away from him and continued walking with Violet hand in mine. When we were far away from the guys but we were sure they were still close by, I slowed my pace.

"Why wont you just date him?" Violet asked.

"Because it's against the house rules, I'm off limits to him." I mumbled.

"But that doesn't mean anything, couldn't you see how much he was longing for you?" Violet yelled.

"I can see that Violet.. I saw it in his expression before my vision clouded." I simply stated.

"Than date him." She stated.

"I would if I could." I looked away from her.

"Has he been there for you?" Violet asked. "When you needed him the most."

"Yes...he has." I mumbled.

"Tell me." Violet requested softly.

"Ok, about a couple months ago, I was being attacked by someone called The Shadow man." I paused as I felt her hand tense up. I ignored it and continued. "He has been out to get me since Slenderman performed the wrong ritual on my birthday. It was the Ritual to summon him I guess but Rake saved me and performed the right ritual, So I was happy to see him. So Rake and I went on a quest and Dark Link And Ben drowned Joined in on the quest. We went back to the mansion once we got what we wanted and I felt a terrible aura. It was his. " I paused and saw that she was listening to me attentively. I sighed and continued, "He was still there and he ended up attacking me, he was able to take over my body and was controlling me the whole time but the only person that knew for sure that that wasn't me was basically Offenderman and Slenderman. They both tried their hardest to bring me back. When Offender and Slender both found a way to open up everyone's eyes, Shadow showed his true colors and left my body in his very own body. He wanted to have me rule the world beside him and my body actually wanted that. Not me though. As my body was betraying my conscious, Offenderman called out to me. My conscious grew stronger and I ended up defeating Shadowman. And I guess in that process I became more powerful so now I'm supposed to be the most powerful Creepypasta that ever lived." I summed up.

"Wow. Than that's a better excuse to make him yours." Violet yelled with joy.

"Oh my Gosh Violet give me some space can I not stay with LJ?" I asked in frustration.

"No, because I can feel how you feel about Offenderman, even if you don't feel it, your soul is longing for him and his as well. You were made for each other. That's why the other relationships haven't worked out for you" Violet explained calmly.

"I only 'dated' EJ and am now dating LJ." I stated.

"That's why you have to give Offenderman a chance, drop LJ and go to Offenderman." Violet commanded.

"Your right." I smiled. She is right I should give him a chance.

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