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* Alice's POV *

I am 126 now..yipee. Smexy is still as flirty as ever and well as you probably know....we have a child. Well all I did was bring her back into this world. Her name you ask? Well it my ex doppelganger Violet. She remembers who she used to be but she acts different. Nicer...more playful. She taken up her role of being Seed eater 's master again and ye ' s as happy as ever. As for me...I'm still looking for my dearest friend Rake. I only did this when I had free time and today I have that but I'm not going to be looking.

"I'm about to go to the library in the human world." I called. Smexy walked up to me and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"Be safe and come back soon." He whispered against my lips.

"Of course I will." I laughed. " I gave something important and great to come home to." I smiled.

"You are right right there my black rose." Smexy smiled. "Violet come tell your mother bye." He called.

"But I'm playing with seed." She pouted.

"I Said-"

"Let her be...BYE VIOLET." I called.

"Bye mommy."She called after me. I gave Smexy one last kiss and left the Mansion. I permanently moved into Smexy's room and Violet moved into my room. Seed shares a room with her and Claude got a room to himself. I made my way to take off area and fixed my scissors in my back pocket as I continued to walk. When I got to the operator symbol, I grabbed my personal key and opened a portal to the human world. I held my breath and jumped into the portal. I landed swiftly on the other side and slowly made my way towards the public library . It was about 10:00 pm and the library doesn't close until 11:00 pm. Good thing I left at this time. I pushed open the library door and smiled at the sweet librarian.

"He looked Alice are you checking out books tonight?" Ms. Wilson the Liberian asked.

"yes ma'am but would you mind if I Check out two extras for Violet? She wanted to stay home with her father." I chuckled.

"Of course dear anything for you." She smiled. Ms . Wilson knows that I'm not completely human and know about my world. I felt trust for this woman and ended up telling her about myself and my world. Oddly she wasn't afraid and she just accepted the fact that we existed.

"Thankyou Ms. Wilson, I'll continue to make sure that no creepypasta comes near you."I smiled.

"Thankyou Alice. I knew I could trust you with my life since you are the most powerful creepypasta. Have you done any killing lately?" She asked.

"No ma'am I have been too busy with my family and searching for my old friend." I chuckled.

"Oh that is right. Well go ahead and go check out your books." She smiled.

"will do." I smiled sweetly. I waved to the nice woman and traveled deep into the large library making my way towards the young adult/adult section. I don't know why hey put these to sections right next to each other. I sighed and slowly made my way towards the adult section. As I traveled deeper into the section, the smell of wine got stronger and stronger. I ignored the smelled and ran my way across the shelf in search of my favorite book "Step brother Dearest." When I finally found the book I pulled it off of the shelf and giggled happily at my accomplishment. I reached back up the shelf and grabbed more books by the same author. The smell of wine now was really strong and it smelled delicious.

"Hello~" a voice whispered. I turned around and saw a young male wearing a yellow vest on top of a button up white shirt and black tie holding a wine glass. He had golden eyes and long silver hair. I gave him a slight wave and turned away from him and began walking away from him. I heard him get up and stumble toward me. "You look familiar what's your name?" He asked.

"Alice" I muttered.

"Oh well my name is Ukyo but most of my friends call me Rake because of my nails." He chuckled. I stopped mid track and turned to look at him.

"What do they call you?" I asked slowly.

"'s because of my nails see." He lifted up his hand and showed my his nails that looked like the teeth on an actual rake. I took a step closer and sniffed him...he had Rake's scent on him.

I dropped my books and gasped, " I have looked everywhere for you."

"You? I never had a girl looking for me." He stated.

"That's because your into males!" I laughed

"I do?" He asked.

"Yes and I was your best friend in your other life. Doesn't he name Bloody Alice ring a bell to you?" I asked.

"Yes actually I have been hearing that name in my dreams a lot and I seen you face..I also drawn it hold on I'll show you." He smiled and began digging into his pocket. He pulled out a piece of paper that had a pic of me with my name in cursive right under it.

"you remember me." I began to cry and pulled him into a hug.

He didn't say anything for a while and realization lit up his eyes.

" I remember everything...the time I met you for the first time up till I was reborn." He laughed.

"I missed you rake." I cried.

"I missed you Alice. He hugged me tightly.

Friends forever. From life to a new life.

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