Hold Up.. Another me?

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I walked out of the mansion and through the forest towards the portal range. I pulled out my personal key and rolled it around in my hand. When I got to the clearing in the woods where the operator symbol was made out of stones, I stood in the center of the symbol and raised the key over my head like a dagger. I brought it down swiftly and the portal to the human world opened. I held my breath as I stepped into the portal. The portal tugged me from this world, through the fabric of the universe and into the human world. I landed on the ground swiftly and gently and sucked in a couple breathes of air. I rubbed my eyes so they would adjust better and looked around at my surroundings. I landed in Slender's woods.

"Ok since I'm in Slender's Woods...than a neighborhood should be near by." I looked around for a minute and a sweet smell caught onto my nose. It smells like fresh baked pie.. but who makes a pie in the middle of the night. I follow the sent to a little blue house at the edge of the woods and sniffed the air. Mmm it smells so good. I walked over to the house and looked through the window. There sitting in a chair at a table with a pie in front of her was a little girl with long silver hair and a woman. Hmm maybe I should comeback here later. I walked away from the house and went to a different one. I swiftly snuck into the little girl's room and watched her sleep until she opened her eyes and stared at me. I sat done on the bed beside of her.

I cooed softly into her ear, "Shhh, Don't Worry...you're safe with me" As she closed her eyes again I silently pulled my scissors from my back pocket and jammed them into her throat before she could let out a scream. I ripped my scissors across her neck watching as she died silently gurgling her blood. I dipped my fingers into her blood and drew the head of a dead rabbit on the wall above her bed. Under the head I wrote, "Don't worry...you're safe with me." When I was satisfied with my handy work, I lapped up the blood of the little girl from her neck and ate her ears. I held her delicate little hand in mine and licked it. I bit off her pinky and swallowed it.

"This little pinkie wore a lot of pink." I sang softly. I bit off the ring finger. "The ring finger stole and wore a lot of rings." I bit off the middle finger. "The middle finger liked to insult people." I bit off the index finger. "The index finger liked to point." I Lastly bite of the thumb. "And the thumb has showed too much." I did the same with her other hand and smiled. I looked at her beautiful blue orb eyes and popped them each out of her head and ate them. I ripped her nose off and ate it like a piece of candy. I than grabbed my scissors and cut off her tongue and sucked on it for a while before chewing and swallowing them.

"You trusted me and now you can't sense me." I whispered and wrote that in tiny print under my catchphrase. I slid off of her bed, opened her room door and walked to her parents room. I banged on their door three times, ran back to the girls room and jumped out of her open window and hid behind the trees of the woods. I laughed as I listened to the little girl's parents scream in horror. Happy with my great work, I made my way to other houses wondering what I could do next. In that period of time something kept tugging me back to the little blue house but I don't know what. I got so irritated that I almost got caught by the husband who was just coming home at one of the houses I was currently at. I finally decided to go to the house so it would stop bothering me. The lights was off now so I thought it was a perfect time to strike another score... maybe I should get the mother. I slid into the house through the kitchen window and silently walked up the stairs to the mom's room. Just on instincts I knew where her room was, and adding to that I remember what she smelled like. I walked over to the sleeping woman and rubbed her gently.

"Another mother less child will be crafted in my hands." I whispered softly to her. I held my scissors over my head. As I brought them down, she woke up and let out a really loud shriek.

"Wait No Violet Don't Do it Please!" She yelled. Who the hell is Violet.

"Don't Worry, You're Safe with me." I chuckled as I climbed onto the bed. The woman fell off of the bed and scurried away from me and ended up in one of the corners of her bed room. I advanced towards the woman running my tongue across my lips. I crouched down in front of her and cut her face with my scissors slowly. She let out screams and cried out in pain as I happily cut her face up. I laughed at every scream that came out of her mouth. There was a gasp behind me and I turned my head to see a little girl standing in the doorway of the room.

"Hey what are you doing!" The little girl yelled.

"I hate it when there is someone in the way." I pouted.

"No Violet stay away from her." The woman sobbed. So that's Violet.

"Shut Up! You aren't killing her! I am!" She yelled at me.

"What?" I asked

"What?" The woman squeaked.

"She's my prey... so you cant kill her!" She yelled at me.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I am called Baby Violet but you May call me Violet , and I am the Mother Killer." Her eyes glowed a faint red. Yep she was definitely a Creepypasta .

"Interesting... My name Is Bloody Alice...you may call me whatever but do come here please I want a better look at you." I smiled. She stepped closer and the light from the moon beamed on her. I stumbled back baffled.

"Y-you look like me!" I gasped.

"No I don't" Violet disagreed.

"Well at least the younger version." I stepped into the light so she could see me as well. She gasped exactly like I did.

"Well even if I'm the spitting image of you.. I want you out of my way.. this is my prey so go back home to your family or whatever." She pushed past me and bent down in front of the women. "It's time For Bed Mummy" She whispered before she ripped her heart out with great speed and force and bit into it. Something about her felt wrong and I had the feeling I should get out of here. I jumped out of the window as she ate the women's heart greedily. I ran back into Slender's woods and ripped open the portal. As I opened the portal I thought to myself.. this cant be right... she's not normal and I feel like she doesn't belong.

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