Where's Rake?...but take my worries away

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*Back to Alice's POV*

I paced back and forth in front of the front door. Where are they? The front door opened and a sobbing Violet walked in. She was soaking wet and she had scratches that look liked it was made by a bear on her. Her clothes were ripped and not to mention she was alone..where's Rake?

"Alice!" She sobbed. I rushed over towards her and pulled her into a hug.

"What happened?" I asked.

" Rake and I went for a walk to catch up with each other and two bears popped out and attacked us. One of them got to me but Rake got me away from them and helped me get away. As we were running away I lost him and ended up falling into the river. I tried looking for him but I couldn't find him." Violet sobbed. Fear suddenly shot throughout my body.

"You....didn't look for him?" I slowly asked.

"I tried but the bears came back." She said. I began hyperventilating, and on cue Offenderman came up behind me and pulled me against my chest. So...soothing.

"What did you tell her?" Offenderman stared at her.

"Rake is gone" I shakily mumbled.

" As in dead?" Offender asked calmly

"I dont know" Violet said as she wiped her eyes.

"Its ok Alice well find him ok?" Offender picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "But sadly we won't be doing that until tomorrow,we'll give him a chance to find his way back." I nodded my head slowly.

"What about Violet , she's hurt." I said with worry.

"oh right I just forgot about her completely , would you like EJ to tend to your wounds?" Offenderman had a hint of disgust in his voice. I wonder why.

"I would believe that's necessary , but I want to comfort my sister." Violet said slowly.

"No go get yourself fixed, I'll have Offenderman to take care of me..I mean he did it before." I blushed remembering the times he was there for me.

"Ok." Violet gave me a warm smile and walked away in search of EJ. Offenderman let out a sigh and made his way upstairs with my head bobbing against his back. He walked into my room and looked around to make sure no one was watching. He kicked the door shut with his foot and locked it with his tentacle . He walked over to my bed and laid me down gently on it. I stared up at him. He stared down at me with no expression at all. No smirk no nothing.

"You won't have to worry, he will come back, ok?"

"I know but what about Splend and Trend? They go on a vacation for a couple months and won't be back in a few weeks and now if we don't find Rake than they will be devastated ." Worry began to run thru my blood stream.

"I said don't think about something like that, and you should know what's the point of that trip" Offenderman softly said.

"So they could re-get along with each other, since they began to fight over him." I mumbled and looked away from him. I heard some ruffling and saw that Offender was taking off his hat and coat. He tossed them across my room and kicked off his shoes. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I wanna burn those terrible thoughts in your head and force new ones in there ." He said as he pulled off his pants. I stared at his muscular body and than down at his boxers. They...look like shorts. He climbed into my bed and pulled me on top of him. His body...it's so warm. I felt him pulling off my jeans and than my shirt.


"Shhh these are in my way." He whispered and pulled my head down and kissed me. So gentle so sweet.

I pulled back, "wait, what about LJ?"

"I was talking to him about you earlier and he said that it was ok for me to have you because he could see how we looked at each other and felt like he couldn't compete anymore. Plus he left already" He explained.

"Oh." I whispered. He grabbed my cheeks and slammed his lips into mine. I blushed wildly as his hands roamed my body. He licked my lips for me to let him in. I opened my mouth and his long slimy tongue slipped inside. Our tongues crashed and fought over dominance. He won. His large hands cupped my ass. Is this really happening. Am I truly giving myself up to someone who makes a living on sex? I guess I am. Goodbye virginity .

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