The significant beauty of yourself

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* Alice's POV*

Violet was now awake but she didn't seem like herself. It was like she wasn't even there.

"Violet......are you ok?" I asked.

"No...I feel empty." She mumbled.

"Well its ok, help will be coming soon." I whispered into her ear. She nodded her head and snuggled closer to me. As she was falling asleep, the door to the room we was in opened and Violet jolted awake. Zalgo motioned for us to come and the dark wisps that surrounded us lifted us up and carried us out of the room. The Mansion was darker now except for the faint flicker of candle light in the distance. Violet's body was on top of mine as the dark wisps carried us towards the lights. Zalgo motioned for us to enter the living room. Inside the living room was the thing and Bob but no seed. They wore dark cloaks and kept their eyes off of me. In the middle surrounded by candles was the operator symbol made out of blood. The dark wisps laid us down in the middle of the symbol and the candles surrounding us flared up. Suddenly something was prying Violet from my arms and I tried so hard to hold onto her but it got her away from me. The dark wisps carried Violet out of the circle and threw her across the room with a loud thud.

"No! Give her back! She needs me!" I yelled.

"You won't need her now." Zalgo stated. They all stood around the circle and began to chant. I covered my ears and yelled over them.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP!" The chants got louder and it felt like something was tugging at my soul. The essence inside of me began to boil and I screamed even louder. I watched as a white light began to rise above me. It was my good side. She caressed my cheeks and as the chants got even louder, she clutched onto my shoulders with her life. A black shadowy version of me slipped out of me and walked around me. My bad side. The chants got even louder and the dark side of me fell to the floor and clutched onto my leg. Suddenly all of the colors representing me rushed out of me and I screamed even louder as each piece of me screams made my shrieks of pain and anger grow louder. The chants raised over me. Each side of me surrounded my body in protection. Only one who hasn't come out was humanity and she's locked away in a cage. I felt Zalgo's essence banging at the cage but it stayed locked. There is a large explosion and I hear my other pieces hissing but some of them are laughing happily. I hear a voices, bones breaking and roaring. My other halves have pressed so close together that it turned into a rainbow orb surrounding me with my good side on the top of the orb and my bad side on the bottom. The orb lifted me up and I could see what was going on. Offenderman....Slenderman...Ej....Claude...Seed.....Bob....The thing, all were fighting against Zalgo. I tried calling out to them but I had no voice. I looked over at Violet's unconscious body and tapped at my protecting orb to go over to her. As I got closer the gunk covering Violet burned off and the orb swallowed Violet inside with me. I hugged her tightly and smiled as she opened her eyes to greet me.

"Alice....where are we." She asked . I tried speaking again but nothing came out. I motioned towards the beautiful orb surrounding me and motioned back to me.

"You Did this?" She asked and I nodded my head. We both floated in the center of the orb and I looked down at the fight below. I let go of Violet and floated to the bottom of the orb and stick my hand through my bad side. My hand stuck through the orb as a large dark claw. I pushed the orb down towards the fight and grabbed Zalgo by his neck. His essence began to go through my arm and into Zalgo's neck. Once I felt his essence was gone, my body began absorbing the rainbow orb of my missing pieces. Violet smiled at me as I absorbed her as well.... she's accepting me....she's allowing me to absorb her! Just as I was about to absorb her as well she kissed me on the forehead.

Violet whispered, " I had a great time with you Alice and I love you."

"I don't want you to go." I felt a tear run down my face.

"You will see me again but this time I will be calling you mommy. She giggled as she joined my body with my other halves. My body glowed as they all stared at me. I floated down to the floor as wisps of light slowly swayed around me.

"My Goddess." Seed muttered and bowed. The thing and Bob did he same. Zalgo was distracted by the light and reached out to touch me but the wisps burned him.

"Mighty Alice, you are so beautiful." He stared at me with awe.

I rolled my eyes and stared at him, " I'm going to make you suffer with you follower Shadowman. You will burn in the deepest pits of hell and than ride a flaming train of nightmares to the Underworld to join him. Just like I said earlier." I hissed.

"But....Alice you cant." Zalgo bowed down at my feet and begged.

"It like this kind of stuff don't you?" I chuckled to myself and one of my light wisps touched his shoulder and burned him into ashes.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side." Claude muttered. I smiled and walked over to my brother who has taken a liking into being in his human form.

"I missed you Claude." I smiled. I opened my arms getting ready to hug him.

"No! Your not touching me I saw what you just did to Zalgo, I am not going through that." He backed away from me. I rolled my eyes and my body absorbed my powers to allow it to rest inside me like Violet is right now. I brought Claude into a hug and laughed.

"I love you too Claude." I chuckled.

"Um...Alice, you're still kinda naked." Claude blushed and pushed me away. I chuckled to myself and went over to Offenderman and pulled his trench coat off and wrapped it around myself.

"you missed me smexy?" I asked.

" much that it was killing me." He paused. "You called me smexy...."

"Yes I did." I smiled, cupped his cheeks and gave him a long gentle kiss. The guys cleared their throats and I laughed to myself once more.

"Are you happy with me Alice? Have you forgiven Violet for the mistakes she made?" Seed asked.

"Yes I have you have pleased me seed. And you too as well Bob and the thing." I smiled.

"may I ask what happened to Violet child?" Slenderman asked.

"As I was absorbing my other halves she allowed me to absorb her as well so now she lives inside of me. Waiting to be born." I sighed.

"What will happen to me now that I have no Violet to go to now?" Seed asked.

"you can wait with me as we both wait for her return." I smiled.

"You mean it?" Seed asked.

"of course. And you two, can wait as well." I smiled.

"We are good Alice, thing and I plan on returning home but we will visit often." Bob said.

"ok." I smiled.

"Cmon let's go home!" Ej suggested. We all looked at the mansion one last time and just before leaving, I went to Violet's room and collected all of her Things and burned the mansion down with my new abilities. We will meet again Violet.

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