Captured and tortured.....and oh the treatment

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*Alice's POV*

I pulled myself out of bed while thinking about last night with Smexy. I pulled on a plain white T-shirt and on some jeans. Violet opened my room door and closed it after saying something to Smexy.

"How are you feeling sis?" She smiled.

"I feeling much better." I blushed. She smiled at me again and locked my room door. I tilted my head at her in confusion.

"I want to have our very own search party and don't want us to be bothered by them" She gave me a soft smile.

"Um...ok, so we can leave after they leave." I suggested .

"No we leave now through the window" She ordered.

"Why?" I asked

"Because I believe I know where to find him so let's go through the window." She said.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Great!" She said happily. She walked over to the window, flung it opened and grabbed my hand.

"Wait my shoes." I said.

"Don't worry about them." Violet rolled her eyes and climbed out the window tugging me with her. We both landed on our feet gracefully and she began tugging me deep into the woods. She kept tugging me deeper and deeper. Where are we going. Minutes later we came upon a dark creepy mansion. I stared up at it in awe. Something about this place felt wrong. I than heard Smexy's faint shriek and looked back the way we came.

"i believe we should go back." I began walking back and felt something hit my head and it hurt like hell. I fell to the ground a clutched the back of my head. I rolled onto my back and stared up at Violet. She held a rag in her hand.

"Im so sorry Alice but you must go into that mansion." She sighed. Before I could even say anything, the Chloroform soaked rag was over my face and I was unconscious just like that.


I slowly opened my eyes. I'm laying down...why? I try to lift up my arms but can't move. Restraints? Why am I tied up? I look up at the bright light over my head and wince in pain at how bright it is. Immediately my head begins to burn. On top of being hit in the head, to make it worst I was knocked out by that stupid drug. I could feel my veins throbbing in my temples. I moaned in pain.

"Shh, what your feeling now is nothing." A deep creepy voice echoed throughout the room. I slowly lifted my head but winced as blood quickly rushed into my head. "No no my little abomination, lay back down." The voice whispered.

" ? " I asked.

"Zalgo..but in your case, you may call me Monna oa ka1. Or Ea matla 'ohle Zalgo 2." His voice echoed throughout my head. It's that weird language.

"d-do yo-you know wh-where Rake is?" I stuttered.

"Oh that traitor? You little doppelganger killed him because she told him some important information so that made my job a lot easier. She brought me what I wanted and killed that good for nothing traitor." He chuckled. Those words..They kept echoing throughout my head.

"Ra-Rake's dead?" My voice cracked.

"Oh yes my abomination, I would show you his body but you family already has it." He laughed evilly.

"Where...are you?" I asked.

"Right here my beauty." He purred into my ear. I turned my head towards the voice and jumped as red eyes stared at me.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered.

"I want to use your strength to take over this world and the human world. I also want to make you my wife and mother of Baby Violet." He gave me an evil grin.

"Oh well..wait what?" I gasped.

"Yes yes I know but I can't do that while your still connected to the little monstrosity so I will have to do some tinkering." He smirked.

"Huh?" I squeaked.

"Don't worry it won't feel too good." Zalgo chuckled and began to dig his nail into the collar of my shirt and tear it in half. He ripped my jeans off and the remains of my shirt and threw it on the floor. "Perfect just the right amount of skin is showing." He reached behind him and grabbed a needle filled with black goop.

"What is that?" I asked as fear began to churn through my blood stream.

"My essence ." Zalgo mumbled and grabbed my hand. He stuck the needle into my wrist and I yelped in pain. He didn't press the knob down for a couple of minutes. It was like he was waiting for my body to do something. Moments later he finally pressed the knob completely down and the black goop rushed into my body. As the liquid flowed through my veins, it burned like fire. I began to let out an ear piercing shriek as my veins turned black and bulged through my skin . I began to shake and twitch uncontrollably and the table I was on began to shake with me. Foam began to rise out my mouth as he snatched the needle out of my wrist. Tears began to seep out of my tightly closed eyelids and everything began to feel worse. After hours of yelling and twitching , my body finally cooled down. As I managed to take calm breathes Zalgo looked me over.

"Its amazing your body absorb my dark essence, how did it react to Shadow Man's essence when he bit you?" He asked. I jolted at the words coming out of him mouth. "Go on...tell me."

I sighed and slowly shifted my head towards him."" I panted in between words.

"It matters because he plays an important part on fixing you." He bent down and stared into my eyes. "Tell me you little abomination."

"is" I managed to ask.

"Why yes now tell me. Every detail." Zalgo cooed.

"It was addicting, his essence was perfect as he slowly ate me away. It felt so good that I actually did want him all to myself but I knew better." I explained without trouble.

"Good good your already recovering.So you found pleasure in shadow's essence, intriguing. I think you'll like this next dosage. " He smirked and pulled another needle out but this one was different, it had purple goop in it. I looked at him and than back at the needle. He shushed me as he stuck the need in the same exact place on my wrist. The same process all over again. After a couple of minutes waiting for him to push the knob down, he finally did. As his essence coursed through my veins, it didn't burn at all, It just felt a bit warm. Suddenly I was blushing as my body began to get hot in a good way. I bit my lip, I clenched my fist and I even tried pressing my legs together ever though there were Restraints but nothing worked to surpass this feeling. I let out soft moans and stared at Zalgo beckoning him to make the feeling go away but he just watched and took notes. The suffering of not being able to make the feeling go away finally passed and I laid on the table hyperventilating. I felt something warm in my panties...did I piss my self? I guess Zalgo noticed it as well because he put down the clipboard he was holding and moved to the end of the table. He popped the waist bands with his claws and pulled then off and watched my lower half. I felt the heat again and saw the purple liquid between my legs. He chuckled to himself and grabbed two towel. He used one to wipe up the mess and put the other under my waist. He used his nails to cut off my bra and expose my chest and stared at him. I looked at down at them and gasped as my breast had thick black veins bulging through the skin. He looked away, grabbed a blanket and threw it over me. He wrote some else down on the clipboard and looked down into my eyes.

"Don't get too comfortable, tomorrow will be much worst." He turned away from me and headed to the door I never noticed. Tomorrow will be worse.....that's nice to know? More is coming my way, I better enjoy this now. I closed my eyes and as I fell asleep, all I could feel was warm soothing claws warming my lower half as my top half still had pain lingering In side of me.


1.tanslation: Husband

2 . translation: Almighty Zalgo

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