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After an hour with him I reluctantly had to leave Miles. Mrs Hollingsworth, or Diana as she requested I call her, dropped Winston home but asked if I wanted  to stay for tea. I tried to decline but Diana insisted even though Hunter was giving me death glare in the rear mirror.

When we got to the house me and Frankie rushed upstairs.
"Thank you for being here, with me, for him." Frankie said gratefully pulling me into a long hug.

"I really care about Miles. I know he's your brother but I just do Frankie. You can be mad but it's the truth." I had to get it off my chest.

"I know Olive

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"I know Olive. I've known since you told me about the night he slept at yours. You have more then proved your perfect for each other,you understand him and get through to him which is harder than it seems." Frankie replies. "It might be weird at first but I'll manage, I have to tell you something too."

"What?" I reply.

"Hunter likes you as well. Like crazy. So just be a little careful around him, he's very sensitive." Frankie explain and I put a hand through my hair.

"Oh god. I know, he told me in the hospital and I said he was like a brother to me and he flipped." I laughed at my stupidity, no boy wants to be friend zoned let alone family zoned.

"Well he'll come around, if he doesn't then I'll just have to talk to him." She laughed too.
We are quiet for a second before she pipes up. "It's been ages since you were here." She smiles.

"Yeah, I guess it has." I looked around the room.
"You never want to come round anymore and you've been avoiding alone time with me for weeks. Was it me? My brothers?" She asks.
"It wasn't any of you. It was me. I just..." I couldn't think of anything to say other than "I'm scared of your Dad." so I opted for "Didn't think it best with Miles and everything."
Frankie nods but I knew she could tell it wasn't the whole truth.

I start a new conversation before she asks any more questions.
"So what's Jonah been saying to you then?" I remembered from lunch.

Franks rolled her eyes. "He just is so annoying! Everywhere I go he is there to make me confused and feel bad about myself. I tried to tell him my problems and he didn't care at all he said I'm a typical rich girl and my problems are immature and insignificant!"

"I'm gonna kill him! That really is his go to line isn't it?" I made my hands into fists.

"He's said that to you to?!" Frankie sighed irritated.
"It's like he's got a grudge against us?" I reply.
"Anyway, so like an idiot I signed up for his volunteering thing to show him Im not immature and then Shay needed me to go on that date so I bailed on him and proving he was totally right. He said I ruined his tennis match for the kids in need." She rambled.

"Well screw him!" I stated. "Not literally. He's an asshole he can't put all that pressure on you to join and make you feel like you have to prove yourself to him! And he shouldn't put us in a box stereotype just because we are rich. Your boy problems may be insignificant compared to the one the kids he with deal with but you have some serious family ones. He couldn't have possibly known about Miles. " I comfort  getting angry, stupid Jonah.

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