10. Reunited

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They had moved the body to their headquarters in the basement, at least until the Winchesters got there to say their goodbyes. Charlie sat silent alongside the steel table that had since been cleared of all signs of fruit flavored breakfast pastries. Her eyes were puffy and red though she had stopped crying an hour ago. The splotchy red look made her skin look white and her eyes dark as night and Oliver couldn't help but feel guilty for it. She clutched a handful of black feathers to her chest and had refused to let them go when he had tried to get her to calm down.

He had already been through his stages - the anger he took out on the training mats, the grief he let out pacing the hallway and the sadness he had let spill from his eyes. But the guilt, the guilt was eating him alive. By this point Oliver had long since changed out of his hood and raided the bar's liquor stores.

He finally joined Charlie in the awkward silence that encased the basement as the night slowly faded to day and sipped on the whiskey miserably. The bottom of the bottle was his only friend tonight, no amount of vigilantism would reverse this wrong he had came to realize. This could change everything - he drank some more.

His watch read 7:00am by the time the sounds of footsteps could be heard outside the basement door. He roused Charlie, who had dozed off in her seat, knees tucked to her chest and feathers still in her hand just as the door burst open. Felicity was in the forefront, the only one with immediate access to the basement but Dean and Sam weren't far behind her.

The look she gave him pierced his heart and he knew immediately - this wasn't Felicity Smoak, no it wasn't his Felicity. This was Felicity Winchester, the family flannel, jean wearing, boot clad sister of Sam and Dean Winchester- the famous supernatural hunting family. Despite her obvious Winchesterness she made an immediately b-line for him and he didn't know whether to be happy or feel anxious.

She gave him a weak smile and he tried to focus on her, but he couldn't help but look up at Charlie's sobs and see how Dean encased her in tight arms, how their eyes watered and how broken they looked. He was witnessing the crumbling of the hard-shelled Winchesters and all it made him feel was sick. Had he have called them it might not have came to this, had he have called them immediately Cas might even be there staring at them with that strange all-knowing look on his face.

But he was gone, and that was on him.

It had been important that he was there for Charlie but now his support was replaced and the obligation lifted and all he wanted to do was leave. He never missed the island so much, never missed the absence of society more than in this moment.

"I need to go," he said quietly to Felicity, grabbing his regular leather jacket and shrugging it on. "Oh, and by the way," he reached under the table and pulled out a pair of heels - the heels she had had sent to his office. "I'm pretty sure Felicity Winchester will want these back," he pressed them into her hands as she stood there gaping at him.

"What, you mean that's it? That's the greeting I get?" she shouted after him but he wasn't listening as he left the basement, the door slamming behind him as he made his way into the cool fall night.


Charlie told him they torched the body. He didn't go, in fact he tried to stay as far away from the Winchesters as possible. That was until he left Thea's three days later to find Dean Winchester leaning against the side of the black Impala outside. His arms were crossed and Oliver knew he wouldn't be able to avoid him this time. "Dean," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his sweater.

"You know it's one thing to ignore my brother and I but Felicity really doesn't deserve it. You should talk to her." Oliver said nothing in response, but Dean uncrossed his arms and inhaled deeply. "Listen, we all do stuff we regret - we kick started the apocalypse and nearly destroyed the world, you unknowingly let our friend die and therefore cracked the first seal on Lucifer's cage. Sometimes you've just got to keep on going even when everything in your body is telling you not to, and last I checked there was something killing people in your city. Now I don't know about you, but saving people is kind of what we do."

Oliver frowned in confusion and hesitated for a moment before saying anything. "Broke the seal on Lucifer's cage? As in the Lucifer?" Dean didn't even blink at the question, as if it was as common as asking what flavour the Kool-aid was. He wondered then just how crazy the Winchester's lives had been before they came to Starling.

"The evil son-of-a-bitch himself," Dean concluded.

"Broke the seal? As in Lucifer is free?" Dean chuckled softly and shook his head but Oliver's skin was already crawling. Meta-humans were hard enough to deal with - the meta-wolf had been a prime example, he hadn't dared to think things could get much worse than that. Then along came Dean Winchester and suddenly the devil himself existed? Then again Lucifer had been an angel, had he not? And he knew angels existed.

"No, he's not free. But you've set things in motion, there's no doubt about that," Dean said with  a strange calmness that made Oliver feel a little more confident in the brothers' abilities.

Oliver contemplated the idea before eying the Winchester brother again. "I'll talk to Felicity," he finally said, "and I'll tell you what I know about the thing in the cemetery but then I want out," he declared. Dean stared at him for a moment, as if deciding if he was being serious or not.
He opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it and Oliver didn't wait to hear any argument he might have had. He turned on his heel and made for his car, hoodie up and hands still in his pockets.

He got in the car and sat for a moment making his decision. Finally, he started the car and headed in the direction of Felicity's, Dean Winchester growing smaller in his rear view as he did so. He hardly regarded the road as he made his way there, his mind racing with a panic he hadn't known was in him. What would he say to her? What would he do? What did she expect from him?

He nearly chickened out when he saw the red mustang sitting in the drive but he knew he had to face her at some point. Grudgingly, he cut the engine and stepped out of the warm confines of the car into the damp air and made his way up to the door. But it was as if Dean had told her he was coming, as before he hit the bottom step of the porch the door was flung open and a raging blonde was standing in the door frame.

"Dean knows something!" she blurted and Oliver raised his eyebrows in surprise unsure what to make of his girlfriend or what to make of her response to his absence.


A/N - Sooooo I missed the update date and as things are back to normal, y'all know that means I owe you a chapter. So remember that- I owe you an extra chapter this month! :P haha!

ANYWAYS! *sings* They're reunited and it feels so good!!! * That's right mofos the teams are back together. What do you think's about to go down? What could the seals be and why is the cage being reopened? Let me know what you think!

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