31. Hysterics

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Barry had been a streak of light, a blur of red through a chaos of happening. That's how Oliver had wound up back on the stairs he had come down from the roof on. Barry and Oliver had then become voyeuristic eyes marvelling at a scene straight out the movies. Neither moved to step in, neither breathed a word as the scene unfolded. The hero (though Oliver hated to call the Winchesters that) released an impossibility upon the world before facing down the biggest of the bad guys (he was more than sure Hades qualified for the title) and demanded respect.

Oliver risked his life for people on a regular basis, more than willing to lay it all on the line for the ones he loved. That fault, if it could be called that, had gotten him into risky situations on more than one occasion. Felicity constantly liked to remind him of just how many times she had had to stitch up his unconscious body - "too many times". So he couldn't help but feel the bite of cowardice much harder than the average man might as he remained hidden and watching and relieved that someone else was stepping up. 

He bit down the guilt and waited to see if the heroes of the movie scene before them might fight the villain and heroicly die. Spoiler alert - they didn't. No, Oliver listened raptly as the eldest Winchester wove a tale so absurd it had to be true though it wreaked of such fantastic beasts and occurrences he was starting to wonder if he had found himself trapped in a virtual reality movie of some sort. 

His respect for the Winchesters regrettably grew and he suddenly understood why Felicity held them in such high regard. Not only were they her brothers they were the toughest of the tough and the strongest most sacrificing people he had ever met. He had to agree with Hades on the one point - the Winchester arrogance got off the charts at times. Still, he supposed with all the things they had faced and came out on top of - they had earned that right. 

"Ugh! Leave the humans to their problems, Hades, let's go!" Persephone whined, her eyes glittering with enough hate Barry let out a low whistle beside him. 

"She is not a friendly one is she?"

"Don't draw me into any gossip, you could probably outrun her Allen - I'm not that fast," Oliver muttered back, giving him an exasperated look. Barry chuckled and then shrugged innocently which made Oliver internally grimace. Still to this day Oliver had his doubts, he wondered what might have come of Barry and Felicity if the forensics specialist hadn't been struck by lightning that fateful day. His chipper innocence seemed a lot more in-tune with Felicity's own cheeriness. 

Lost in his own reverie he must have missed something - or a lot of somethings- as Hades' booming laugh brought his focus snapping back to the scene before him. "Oh, there will only be one vessel for Lucifer and if Samuel here is that individual - which I assure you he is entirely, there will not be another one until he no longer walks the Earth -"

"He's died a number of times," Dean stated monotonously. This amused Hades, a smirk plastering his sharp features. 

"Mmm, but the Fates didn't read it as so, and thus another vessel was never required to be... designed," he drawled, seeming to contemplate his wording. Oliver still couldn't fully wrap his head around that - Sam, the vessel of Lucifer. "Besides, if you really did destroy yellow eyes the way you claimed to have -"

"We did," Sam ground out as if pissed their achievements were being undermined. 

"Right, and if that's true than whatever yellow eyes you saw was likely a manipulation- feed the blood of any powerful demon to a human and it can have adverse effects," Hades explained and though the Winchesters looked bored with his explanations Oliver listened raptly- it was all news to him.

"So you're telling me that what I saw was a demon disguised as yellow eyes? Why?" Hades chuckled then, and the coldness of it sent a shiver down Oliver's spine. He wasn't sure how Dean and Sam hadn't flinched under his unwavering glare. 

"If he's as significant in your life as you say, then I'd imagine it's Crowley's idea of funny- a way to distract you."

"Why do you indulge them?" Persephone demanded, her agitation becoming more and more obvious. 

"Now, now Persephone, without them I'd still be stuck down there," Hades chided. Annoyed with the wife he hadn't seen in what - centuries? Oliver wondered how that relationship had lasted that long, centuries, ugh! That just sounded taxing. "And a debt owed is practically a needle in my spine and we both know I don't do well in discomfort." Her mouth turned into a flat line and she seemed to glare at Dean and Sam, as if their efforts to crack her husband out was now all their fault. "That and I'd love to lock that snivelling, arrogant, prick up," Hades spat. 

"Well, at least that sounds like he's on our side," Barry mused. But Oliver was more interested in the new figure that had emerged, approaching the quartet before them with a stiff arrogance and a malicious grin. He felt his skin ripple in gooseflesh as the woman he didn't recognise approached them. Something felt entirely inhuman about this pending interaction. 

"I have a message for Sam and Dean Winchester -" the woman declared, and Dean whirled to take in the newcomer.

"Tell Crowley to grow a pair and tell us himself!" Dean shot back. 

"You're too late," she singsonged before breaking out in hysterical laughs, "the seals are broken, the gates are open!" She shrieked and his teeth ground together at the high-pitched sound. "Nothing can save you now!" the woman was a nut-job he decided as she doubled over in her laughing hysterics. "The gates are open, we're free!" 

The woman's head snapped back then and her body went rigid, her fingers twitching sporadically at her sides as she seemingly stared at the ceiling before an aggressive streak of black smoke poured from her mouth. Writhing like a living being, snaking its way out of the body- the vessel Oliver corrected himself, slowly picking up the lingo of the Supernatural world. He might have given himself a small pat on the back any other day for comprehending more about the Winchester's world but the cold feeling that had frozen over his stomach made him lose that proud and childish encouragement. 

The apocalypse was here. Lucifer was out and roaming. Demons were at large- Adam was at large and he wanted Felicity's life on a platter. 


Oliver shot out of his hiding spot then and Dean shouted after him in alarm. 

"Felicity, Adam wants Felicity," he panted out, never faulting in his step as his mind wondered what dangers she could be in now. He could hear hurried footsteps a second later, following him. He had to protect Felicity at all any and all costs, he couldn't lose her, not now, not after everything. 

"Charlie is with her, she'll be alright," Dean assured them - Sam had fallen in step with him but Oliver wouldn't feel sure until his own eyes were on her. They had desperately tried to stop it, to protect Felicity but for the first time since the Meta-wolf graced the Queen Consolidated parking garage, she was in real, honest danger. And his greatest fear was that in the end, he wouldn't be enough to stop what was coming. 


A/N - Well, it's a wee bit shorter than I would have liked but I feel like the chapter came to a natural close. What are your thoughts on Hades? Was it good to break him out or bad? And what about Felicity - how close do you think Adam is getting to her?

Let me know what you think and if you're feeling generous feel free to smash that little star into dust :)

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