33. Him and the Devil

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When the humanoid figure emerged from the glowing doors every hair on Oliver's body stood on end and his skin rippled in gooseflesh. When Barry Allen took off, a million and one demons swarming after him, doing what he imagined was everything in their power to stop him from catching up with Sam and Felicity - he sank into the overwhelming and slightly familiar feeling of being in way over his head. 

Dean had warned him after Lucifer appeared but it hadn't been Lucifer he was looking at - it was Crowley. Oliver may not have been as smart as say Felicity, or Charlie, or Sam or Barry... alright, he may not have been as scientifically smart as most of the group but he had street smarts. And his street smarts alone told him that Lucifer wasn't a wise bet to go up against, hell, his street smarts told him that Crowley wasn't a good match to go up against and yet he wanted to - badly.

He could tell Crowley was street smart too.  What with how he reacted after being cast aside by Lucifer and Hades like an old plaything. His sudden appeals to Team Winchester had Oliver cringing, unlike him however, Dean seemed to consider his words for a moment before denying them. Then again, the Winchesters were often resourceful even if it meant using people as a means to an end, the fact that Dean was even considering it made him think long and hard about whatever relationship or acquaintanceship was building between them.

Too long, it would seem. 

Charlie's high pitched shriek brought him crashing back to reality. She had fallen to the ground, a mass of black smoke swirling around her as she balled her fist near her chest. No, Oliver corrected himself, she was clutching something - a pendant. 

"Anti-possession talisman," Dean shouted over the cacophony. 

These were a thing? Why the hell didn't he have one? They were seriously unprepared for this. Then again, I don't think any of them had expected to open the gates and be immediately thrown into battle. Still, the swirling masses of black smoke intimidated him and the knowledge that possession really was a thing made him even more nervous. 

"Catch!" Dean shouted and Oliver's hand snapped out at the immediate glint of silver flying through the air towards him. He hazarded a glance down to his hand to see an unfamiliar metal chain and pendant - talisman. "Put it on!" Dean shouted, without casting the slightest of glances towards Oliver any longer- his attention was focused on helping Charlie back up.

There was no time to dick around with the clasp so he looped the long chain around his wrist thrice and prayed that would be enough. His stance sunk deeper and though he had no idea what might be coming he hoped that small shift into fighting stance might give him a chance. 

"Alright you sons of bitches, come and get it," Dean muttered beside him, the handle of a blade gripped tight in his hand. He started slashing at whatever came his way and Oliver wished the bow and arrow Persephone had magicked into his hands before had been a little more permanent in nature. Shadows wailed in Dean's wake as he started blazing the laborious trail to the gates.

Oliver made to follow, unsure what he should be doing with his empty hands when Charlie thrust something at him. Really, it was something, something unidentifiable, something... a part of a wrought iron fence? It was rusted and heavy in his hands as he hesitantly took it, not sure what to make of her deadly serious expression. Had she hit her head when she fell? Was this what possession did- turn your brain to mush? But no, Charlie knew exactly what she was doing. 

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