19. It's Happening

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The thought that the team needed the lightening generator sent to them at the word of some stranger to literally shock themselves back to life was horrifying to say the least. Felicity didn't like it and she didn't want to believe it. There had to be another way to get into the underworld and as Barry so casually put it - cross the River Styx.

"It's a river, who needs someone to bring you across? We all know how to swim, right?"

Sam was the one to scoff as Felicity choked on the large gulp of coffee she had just sipped up. She turned towards her brother wide eyed. If he had brushed up on his mythology at all, he would have known just what the River Styx was, and realized that there was no way in hell they'd be swimming across it. Lucky for Felicity it was Sam who knocked some sense into their brother.

"Dean, it's a river that's said to wrap around the underworld numerous times and said to be the river of hate. You die of your own self hatred," Sam said bluntly.

"Right, and if you jump in it does a gathering of angels appear above your head or?" Dean looked inquiringly at their confused faces. All of them except Sam that is, whose face went deadpan as he eyed his brother.

"Yes Dean, and they'll sing to you their song of hope," the sarcasm that dripped off of his voice was thick enough to raise even her eyebrows.

It took a moment and then Felicity got the reference, turning back to her book and humming the tune loudly. She glanced up to see Dean smiling, "that's my girl!" and she couldn't help but grin back as she met her brothers' silent communication with a knowing eye. That time in the Impala with Dean's cassette collection had unconsciously rubbed off on her much to Barry and Oliver's amusement.

Dean began singing the song quietly but Felicity's mind had wandered back to what Barry had said. His thought gnawing at her brain incessantly. They'd have to die? "You know, they say the same thing about hell- you have to die but there's still a gate right? Like if you really wanted to, you could go without dying?" she sent her idea into the void, not even asking anyone in particular. "So shouldn't there be a gate to the Underworld? Where's the gate to the underworld?"

The table had fallen silent and Felicity began furiously tapping the pen she had brought against her notebook. She was down the rabbit hole, her focus solely on this now and any comments the others made seemed to be muffled as she searched the labels of the books before her. "Into the underworld, how would one get into the underworld?" she muttered to herself, "one would die. Where do you go when you die?" she raised her eyebrows and answered her own question, unknowingly under the unbelieving eyes of her companions. "You go in a coffin, you go in an urn you go - to a cemetery," she broke her thoughts then to look to her brothers.

"The gate to hell is through a cemetery, right?" Sam's mouth was hanging half open and Dean was staring at her in puzzled disbelief, his hazel eyes sparking with amusement that made her flustered. "I was just talking to myself wasn't I?" she asked, to which the group nodded. "Awkward," she mumbled, turning her gaze down to the table again.

"Alright, say it is a cemetery - how do we know which cemetery?" Oliver inquired his eyes meeting hers as she looked back up from the beaten wooden table. She shrugged for a lack of anything else to say and looked to see if anyone else had any ideas.

"Maybe it has something to do with one of the myths?"

Sam's phone rang and he was quick to jump on it under the accusing eyes of the other library patrons. "It's Charlie," he declared as he brought the phone up to his ear. Felicity tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and excused herself to find the bathroom.

She approached the woman behind the counter to ask for directions when she halted, frozen in terror. The woman's face changed completely, as did the person's she was conversing with. It's a hallucination, she chanted to herself over and over again but the horror of it seemed to grip her spine and spread itself into every corner of her brain. The lights dimmed and she heard a sickening squish beneath her feet which made her head snap down to see pools of dark liquid beneath her feet - blood.

The shriek was out of her lips before she could even try to suppress it.


Oliver swore he practically jumped out of his skin at the sound of that eardrum shattering scream. It took him only half a minute to put a face to it. "Felicity!" they were all on their feet in an instant, weaving through the shelves to find her. He prayed with everything he had that it wasn't the hell hounds - not yet, her time wasn't up. Please not yet, he thought as his worst fears played before his eyes.

He rounded the corner to see her frantically scurrying away from the librarian, pulling books off of the shelf in her wake. Oliver's stomach dropped at the sight, the books pulling themselves off of the shelves he realized. So much for the denial he had been clinging to, there was no way of unseeing this. He swallowed his own fear and approached her.

She seemed otherwise ok, despite that look of absolute terror in her eyes. "Hey, hey, hey - Felicity!" he called out, as he grabbed her arm and she tried to fight him off. "It's me, it's Oliver," he said, dodging her flailing arms as they turned from fists to vices on the front of his shirt. She stared up at him with wide grey eyes and tears wetting her cheeks, clutching to him as if he was the only real thing in the room.

The books slowed their falling as she pressed her face into his chest and sobbed. If people had been looking at the sound of Sam's ringing phone they were sure as hell staring now. A couple people even had cell phone's out recording - he clenched his jaw and resisted the urge to snap the fingers off that held them.

Unsurprisingly, Barry seemed to appear out of thin air with a whoosh. Oliver gave him an urgent look over Felicity's blonde hair and tried to get him to follow his eyes down to his fiery shoe. He hastily stomped it out with his other foot, wincing as he crushed his own toes. Once he had accomplished that, he took in the aisle they were standing in and let out a low whistle.

As if it had been what was needed to summon them, Dean and Sam came barrelling through the growing crowd. Dean halted and took in the mess they stood in the middle of, only for a moment before approaching them. "Felicity?" she glanced up through Oliver's protective embrace and Dean drew in a deep breath. "It's started hasn't it?" he asked quietly.

Oliver might have sworn he could see tears forming in the eldest Winchester's eyes as Felicity nodded mechanically. He looked away and drew in a breath and cleared his throat, he gestured to Barry and Sam and announced with a shaky voice "let's uh, clean this up."

Oliver stood rooted to the spot, clinging to Felicity with as much ferocity as she clung to him with. All the while the only thing he could think was it wasn't this time, she wasn't gone yet.


A/N - First chapter of today's allotted double post - keep your eyes peeled for the second half! haha!


How do you honestly feel about this sequel? And should I make another sequel or finish their story in this one? (If another it would be the last - I think).

Let me know what you think!

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