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Dean had given up on their method of destruction when the process of sloshing it forward with his foot became painfully slow. He rubbed a hand over his face in frustration, this whole gate thing was infuriating. He tilted his head up to look at the large statue again as if to say 'hey lady, could you make this any more difficult?'. That's when he had spotted it. With his hand frozen over his mouth and his eyes glaring at the giant Athena - a sprinkler, just over her right shoulder. 

He abandoned the large puddle they had created and prowled into the bathroom again, his eyes glued to the ceiling as he searched. If there was a sprinkler out there, there had to be one in here as well, building codes wouldn't allow it any other way. He kicked himself for not thinking of it before - it all would have been a lot less effort and a lot less of a mess if they had done this from the beginning. But their 'exact replica' claims had left him reasonably expecting well - replication and he didn't think modern sprinkler systems existed in the time of the Parthenon.

Spotting one, he threw open the door to the bathroom stall and began cursing himself for destroying the toilets - one would have been very handy right about now. Instead, he climbed onto the back of the half destroyed aforementioned toilet and clung to the top of the stall for balance. He hoped the remaining porcelain didn't break free of the wall. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a lighter.

Dean always had a lighter, and though many would argue that he had numerous reasons to take up the habit of smoking he held onto it for more useful reasons. That and his adolescent attempts with cigarettes had left his chest burning more than he cared to ever admit. Still, in his line of work, a lighter was a useful tool and he was glad he carried one now as he flipped open the zippo and held the flame as close to the sprinkler as he could reach. 

It took only seconds for the sprinkler to burst to life and with it- he hoped, the ones in the other room. He made his way for the door again to check, hoping beyond all else that it had worked. He paused, the door cracked open at the sight before him. Persephone held Felicity in a tight grip, a large blade pressed to her throat while Oliver had stretched his hand out to lock onto Felicity's trembling fingers. Though he wasn't always a fan of Oliver Queen's he had to admit the guy did care for his little sister. When they made their leave yet again, he would be happy Oliver would be here for her.

He knew that bitch Persephone was bad news. He contemplated his options of action for a moment. He had an element of surprise right now, or at least he hoped he did. No one had acknowledged his existence there yet but he couldn't be sure Persephone's spidey senses weren't tingling or something. 

"I made a trade," a voice started, and Dean frowned as he wondered what the hell his brother was talking about. "And fortunately for us, my soul is a lot more valuable than yours." Dean felt like his stomach had plummetted to his toes and his heart had leapt into his throat as he reeled, desperately trying to grasp onto what had so evidently happened. His little brother had made a sacrifice, he had shouldered the burden of Felicity's deal. He wanted to sink to the ground as his body revolted the idea, he would lose his brother again. 

He knew deep down there was no way they would be able to keep Felicity out of hell. He hated it with every fibre of his being but he was selfish and he didn't know how he could lose Sam again. He had known Felicity all of two years, he had known Sam forever- it was a hard trade to swallow. 

He smiled weakly as Persephone released Felicity and she went crashing into Oliver's arms. That was an innocent life saved then and he forced himself to repeat the mantra that kept the Winchesters going: saving people, hunting things- the family business. It was that minute that the sprinklers shot to life above them, drenching the main room with a downpour of water. Dean now fully comprehended what he had walked in on. They needed the power of the three main gods: lightning for Zeus, water for Poseidon and death for Hades only harnessing the power of each of those beings would the gates open. This meant that though Cisco had generously created the lightning generator for them and he had now brought water to the gate, something still had to bring death to it. 

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