22. The Power of Three

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Dean sighed contentedly as he inhaled the scent of coffee mixed with bunker. He kicked his feet up and soaked in the silence of the place. Here there was no arrow toting Robin Hood, no speedy superheroes, no deals, no siblings just peace and-

"Do do doo doooo-dodo dodo dodo dodo dooo dooo dooooo dooo dooo dooooo!"

Dean opened his eyes and sighed as his peace was shattered by the enthusiastic vocals of Charlie Bradbury.

"I guess what they say is true, there ain't no rest for the wicked," he murmured, dropping his feet back to the ground and turning around in his seat to spot her. She stood in the doorway, headphones plugged into her iPad and singing at the top of her lungs, a hand conducting the non-existent orchestra. He smiled at her easy going nature, despite the fact his ears were hurting.

She froze as she spotted him and Dean laughed as she yanked the headphones out and came to join him at the table. Dropping her iPad into the table so Dean could see some strange alien looking thing frozen on the screen. "I see you've been really grinding through that research," he mused. The look on her face read that she had been caught and she subtly reached her hand out towards the iPad, turning it off with a quick press.

"Alright, all this meta-weird is a new level for you guys but I did find some stuff here from the Men of Letters. Seems we aren't the first people to contemplate this," she walked over to the other table and proceeded to bring over a teetering stack of thick tomes and let them slam on the table. "The difference is that they seemed to know what to look for," she finished lamely.

They were all labeled and numbered with tedious perfection that Dean had learned to expect from the bunker archives. "Alright, anything particularly interesting so far?" Charlie shrugged, and then brought down the first volume and flipped it open, shoving it towards him.
"What is this?"

"Standard Winchester meta-weird," she proclaimed, pulling down another three books as Dean viewed monster descriptions and images. "These are the ones I've managed to get through," she slid them out of the way and pushed the remaining five front and center. "These, are the rest of the ones we need to go through," she finished, flopping down and grabbing one from the unread stack.

Dean didn't hesitate and grabbed one from the top and began reading. He drank his coffee and read, and read, and read and went to get food and read then ate pie and read some more, until his eyes hurt and then he stopped. "Alright, I understand why you were watching movies," he admitted, rubbing a hand over his face.

"TV show," Charlie corrected almost automatically, her nose still deep in the spine of a book. Dean just rolled his eyes and dragged his phone across the table to read the screen with burnt out eyes. Nothing. He stood, stretching until his bones cracked before sighing contentedly at the feeling of his muscles achieving movement.

"Alright, I'm going to grab us something to eat," he looked at Charlie expectantly but she didn't so much as glance up from the book. He shook his head and grabbed his jacket before heading out to the Impala.

He made the usual run to his favourite local diner, it had been a while but the familiar motherly brunette that was always there recited off the regular order. Dean waited, taking in the patrons of the diner with something close to peace and edging on jealousy. He nearly laughed at himself - how did those two things even mix together?

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