32. Hole Straight to Hell

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Sam's heart dropped when he realised what Oliver was saying. If what the demon had said was true then they were out - Adam and Lucifer were out and one would always hunt for Sam and the other wanted to gain revenge on them through their sister. Either way you cut it, there was a couple of very angry,  very powerful people headed straight their way and the unprepared Felicity was outside, a target painted on her back like a sitting duck.

They were halfway to the door when Hades and Persephone appeared suddenly in front of them. The doors were swung wide and a shudder ran down his spine as they spilt out behind him and Sam saw what must have been the reason behind his shudder. Not a soul made to shoot at them, to move in their direction or to even so much as to shout. They were frozen, the whole plethora of emergency crews, crowds, Charlie and Felicity

"Not Charlie and Felicity," Dean barked immediately, "leave them out of whatever it is you're doing with these people!" But Sam had already started making his way towards them, eyes already locked on the blonde and the ginger to realise that as soon as Dean had said 'not Charlie and Felicity' they were moving again. He could see their tense looks even from the other side of the lot and couldn't help but wonder which aspect of this whole thing was bothering them the most. Then his eyes fell on a crimson path that led from beneath his feet towards them and all his philosophical questions shattered into the abyss. 

He mustn't have been the only one who noticed it because Oliver sucked in a deep breath beside him. He was down the stairs before the rest of them, weaving between the frozen statues of people separating the girls from them. "What the hell Sammy?" Dean hissed, his eyes following the blood trail much like Sam's own, having stumbled upon it only moments after Sam had. They were both still very much alive though, right? Surely that was a good sign he tried to convince himself. 

They quickly followed Oliver towards Charlie and Felicity and if Dean's expression was anything to read by, his fear was mounting in his heart just as it was in his. "What the hell happened?" Dean demanded as Charlie came in to hug him, Felicity not too far behind her. Sam eyed Felicity's bandaged hand with a sick feeling churning in his stomach. The Winchesters were willing to sacrifice too much for one and other, he had hoped Felicity would be different - another logical brain in the family - however, she had proved that wrong nearly immediately. 

In the beginning, there was Mary, willing to sacrifice a part of her future, Sam's future to good ol' yellow eyes in exchange for her father's life. Then there was John, willing to sacrifice everything to hunt down the thing that had killed her. Then there was Dean, there was always Dean. How many times had Dean sacrificed his life, his fate, his happiness to help Sam? More times than either of them cared to count (though Charlie claimed to have it in a spreadsheet somewhere). 

Then there were the half-siblings. First, there was Adam, willing to take on Michael as a vessel in Dean's place. Of course, that had ended a lot messier than either Winchester brother would have thought. Sam wouldn't have had to sacrifice his life for another half-sibling if it weren't for Adam. Which brings up Felicity, who had been willing to sacrifice her life to find her origins, who had very nearly offered up her life to defeat the meta-wolf. 

His mind wandered down the sacrificial path like his feet had followed the trail of blood leading to Felicity- mindlessly. He realised then just how uncomfortable he was with her immediate and complying willingness to throw it all to the wind, to join them in their rash behaviours. What if there hadn't been paramedics waiting outside? There was a lot of blood in that trail, surely she wouldn't have made it very long before it took a toll? 

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