25. Neverland is on the Right

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Felicity knew something was wrong the second she saw Dean's face. His steely expression read aggravation in the nth degree. She had thought he had been pissed when he found the sigil burnt into his car, he looked doubly so now. So when an unknown female stepped out of the backseat after a rather tense looking Oliver it took everything she had not to reach back into the glovebox and pull out the knife stashed there.

"Who is that?" Barry asked, murmuring as he leant in closer to her. You knew it was bad when even the ever-optimistic Barry Allen was tense. Definitely not a good sign. Felicity couldn't blame him, her own arms were raised in gooseflesh within moments of looking at her - it was like there was something in the air. 

"No idea," Felicity responded with a shiver, not willing to approach the strange individual. 

"Did you see them stop somewhere and pick her up?" Charlie asked, joining her other side but Felicity just shook her head. Thankful that the two of them had rode with her to the parthenon.  

Sam looked between the two groups standing in the middle of the nearly empty parking lot and seemed to sigh. Not for the first time that week she noticed how tired her brother looked, the dark circles around his eyes, the paleness of his skin and maybe it was her but he had an air of unkemptness now. His scruff was a couple days grown out, his clothes were worn and faded and even his hair looked dull and stringy. She couldn't help but feel guilty for it, it was this case- her selfish actions that drove them to this place, drove him to this state.

He was keeping up face. There was a sliver of a moment as he rounded the two classic cars towards her, a small moment where she could see the haunted look in his eyes before the mask went up. He cleared his throat, his hands stuffed deep in his jacket pockets as he explained the situation. 

"Who's the girl?" Barry asked, jerking his chin towards the grumpy looking trio beside the Impala. 

"Persephone," he informed them. His expression was more relaxed than the other two but still held an air of disbelief. She didn't know what to make of this information. 

"Actually?" Charlie demanded, craning her neck to look over Sam's giant-height shoulder.

"Well, she did appear out of thin air and made the mark disappear. She's wearing a ring with the sigil, I mean so far all signs point to it. Needless to say, Dean's still a little unhappy but I think he mostly just doesn't trust her. She seems to know what she's talking about, but what you've got to understand is after everything we've been through trust is a hard thing to come by," he trailed off.

"Do you trust her?" Felicity asked immediately, reading her brother's expression for his unspoken opinion. She was definitely getting the hang of this silent sibling communication thing. Sam hesitated before he answered, his hazel eyes locking onto hers - he knew what she was looking for. 

"I think she's a means to an end, if she knows how to open the gate she's useful," he shrugged.


"But I think it would be wise to realise who and what she's claiming to be. Demons are enough of a pain, Angels are a whole new league but gods? I don't know about these ones so I can't say, but God the man himself hasn't shown us much to be hopeful of- or rather much at all," he finished lamely. 

"As much as I love chatting with this merry gang of misfits, there's a gate to open!" The alleged goddess drawled, and the way she picked her nails reminded Felicity of the vultures in the break room of Queen Consolidated.  

Sam let out a huff before muttering lowly, "get your knife and keep it on hand just to be safe." Felicity complied, joining Barry on the passenger's side of the car so he could grab the bag with the Lightning Generator encased inside. Against her better judgement, she walked with Barry and Charlie to unite the groups before the Impala. It was her first time encountering someone stronger than Crowley and after that experience, she wasn't sure she wanted anything to do with someone or something that could hold that kind of power. 

"So what's the plan? We click our heels together and head to the second star on the left or what?"

The whole group frowned, and it was Charlie who finally spoke up. "Dean, those are two completely different stories," she pointed out. 

"And Neverland is on the right," Felicity mumbled in confusion. 

"Alright, alright!" he exclaimed, with a wave of his hand. "Nerds," he added under his breath before redirecting his serious gaze onto 'Persephone'. 

"So why can't you just do this yourself?" Barry asked, voicing the question they were all wondering. 

"It's not as easy as 'doing it myself', firstly it requires three different people to perform the acts of three different gods - a little lightning, a little water and a little... death," she paused ominously to let that thought hang in the air. 

"I told you it was to zap us back to life," Barry half-wheezed before coughing to cover the muttered sentence. 

"So why us, why not two of your other godlier friends?"

"Because the Underworld was last sealed by Lucifer in a fight over belief, a tiny but troublesome detail," she informed.

"Oh, guys this is so cool! It's like that part in Peter Pan when Tink's light is going out and-" Oliver and Dean gave Charlie a look that made her mouth snap shut. But Persephone's features spread into a wide grin at her declaration. 

"It's exactly like Peter Pan, and I need you little humans to provide the juice to fuel a cultural resurrection," she purred.

"Yeah, cause that didn't just turn creepy real quick," Charlie muttered, a polite smile plastered to her face. Whether the woman heard or not remained to be seen but she began devising a distraction with Oliver, making a rather flashy looking bow and arrow appear out of nowhere. Oliver didn't seem opposed to it, in fact, he seemed to straighten up and become more confident with the weapon in his hand. This was Arrow before them now, she could see it in the way he assessed their surroundings and the bow in his hands.

Next, Persephone sauntered over to a rather flustered looking Barry to examine the Lightning Generator. "Uh, yeah, um you just set this where the uh, charge needs-" he stumbled under her unfaltering gaze, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"He knows how to use it, we know how to use it, move on," Dean interjected, saving the slowly reddening Barry from further embarrassment. Barry let out a stream of air in relief as the goddess passed on to Charlie. 

"I need you and Miss. Winchester here to find the sigil quickly and quietly while Samuel comes with us to provide distraction and my favourite rigs up the water to flood the sigil," she explained as if this was all obvious, getting a glare from Dean and a clenched jaw.

As they broke from their position, Charlie, Felicity, Barry and Dean headed for the main doors while the others discussed things momentarily and broke rank. Felicity watched as Oliver made his way almost cat-like up the side of the building, grabbing ledges until he reached the folded maintenance ladder and disappearing over the edge of the roof visible to them.

Dean would provide the water, probably through destroying some kind of plumbing. Barry would provide the lightning through the Lightning Generator Cisco had created unknowingly at Persephone's request. So as they slipped inside the Grecian replica Felicity couldn't help but find herself wondering - just who was going to be supplying the 'little death' to open the gate. 


A/N - In honour of today being the 1 year anniversary of the beginning of Lost and Found I thought we needed another update! :) So, let me know what you guys think!

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